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His name is Keith. We actually met on umm.. well a singles site *eeks* he mailed me and said that he really admires me for taking care of my mom etc.. blah blah.. we got to talking.. really hit it off.. turns out he is currently in a wheelchair due to a spinal injury.. i actually dont mind this.. he is in rehab and his injury is correctable.. just takes a lot of time.. i REALLY like him so far.. were going to "walk" around old town and just spend the entire day together next week.

that is the best. Good for you.
If I was single i would be using or whatever it took. Congratulations. It's not like you meet great guys while scrubbing the bathroom for the 4th time in as many days.

ok so you get to hang out next week for the day. Ooh baby, you know the song: give me a kiss to build a dream on...

very very happy for you and when the other sailors wake up and see your good news they are going to be happy too.

Whatever you do, be careful if you hop his bones.


Ahoy Mateys!!

Kelley, I am so excited for you. My hubby and I met on the personals. It's so hard to meet guys, especially with what we are doing...being isolated and all. You go girl!! Just be careful. You're precious.

I have got to wash my mom's hair today. It get SO matted from her laying down so much. I need to get her into the beauty shop but it has to be on a good energy day. And that's so hard to predict. And, I don't want to take her out when it's slippery and so cold. Bring on the tropics!!!! I so love the hot weather. Mom reads the temperature on TV whenever it is on and she always says, "That's cold." Over and over again, bless her heart.

Hey all,

Hi Miz Demi, how long is your mom's hair? That Flobee works great and you can do it in bed because all the hair gets sucked up. Mom's hair looks good today and she likes it.

Last year we were in NJ as opposed to S. Cali and man I was so worried about her falling on the ice. This year, forget it! nj has been under snow and ice for weeks and weeks.

these days leading up to mom going to the assisted living are tough. We both know what's up and have been crying off and on. Couple of wussies.

The whole boat thing started with mom and I thinking that a boat might just be the answer. I took her on a boat a few months back and she had a smile on her face as wide as the Delaware.
That's how we get her to walk. C'mon, how you going to climb up in that boat? Let's move.

I'm a sad unit today. Sorry.


bobbie, Mom's hair is pretty short. I'll have to look into getting a Flobee. I understand your sadness today. Sometimes you have to go with it and then you'll feel better. You are doing the right thing. This is something you have to do. I know it's hard. I feel bad leaving Mom for a couple of hours. But she's always fine when I get home. In fact, she usually thinks I have gone to work for the whole day. Hang in there, sweetie.

Hubby's back went out yesterday so I have two "patients" to take care of. :))

kelley, I'm very excited for you. And very jealous, of course. bobbie, I think the sadness is going to come and go, and ya just gotta let it come. You are absolutely doing the right thing, and OF COURSE we're all envious of the brief break you're going to get. Besides, you've got to do it so we can all live vicariously through you. Dream a little dream of me......
miz Demi-ouch on the back. That's no fun! Hope he gets better soon

Gross!! Gross!! Gross!! thinkaboutheboatthinkabouttheboatthinkabouttheboat!!!!

Sometimes I wish this site had a chat room...

rephrill, I hope so too. I feel bad for him. He's walking like an old man at 40!!

Evening fellow boaters, stormy seas today with mom. I think shes just not feeling well and grumpy!

So... instead of meeting next week.. Keith and I are going to have lunch tomorrow... =O I haven't been on a date in a couple YEARS.

Bobbie, I know this sounds strange, but... let the tears come from both of you.. it shows eachother how much you love eachother and care... i know that when it gets very hard for me here like it has been the past couple weeks, how much i wish my mom could show me that im wanted and needed here... yes you and your mom need a break from eachother.. but its so good to know that shes really going to miss you and you her.. which will make your homecoming even better!!

i also agree that she is going to have a really good time with her fellow party goers hahaha. And just remember. Its not like you cant visit her or anything!! yes 2 months is a long commitment, but she isnt locked up!!

yes.. think of the boat.. sipping a icy drink in the cockpit and thinking of the next exotic port.

ooo just had a thought.. we have to start saving.. monte carlo!!!!!


maybe "throw your back out" too and spend alone time with hubby??

Good Morning all,

Hope everyone is doing well.

thanks, KelleyBean. Iknow that you're right. Man, it's tough.
Lunch today with Keith. hot stuff. Love it hope you guys fall in love!
(if yu want to....)

Miz Demi? How is your husband's back today? Any relief?
And yes, I think a chat room would be excellent for this site. Maybe they'll see that as something that would be a benefit to the site.

Pamela and everybody, whassup?

Today is doctor evaluation day for mom. She was in good spirits yesterday and then 'sundowned' and I ended up cooking her 2 dinners and she didn't want either one. When Nik came home he made her a grilled cheese and she liked that, but still only ate half. It's tough because she'll get hungry again in an hour and then become upset that I'm not feeding her.
The place where she's going has chow available most of the day so that will work out.

Off to make some coffee.


LOL Kelley. If only... Hubby's back is no better today. He's walking about as slowly as Mom. We're heading to his home town tomorrow and he's gonna see his chiropractor there. I hope they give him some anti-inflammatories. They make him very happy and even sweeter. ;) I can't wait to get away!! It will be from 9:30 am tomorrow to 12:00 Sunday. I hope lunch goes wonderful today!! My advice is just to take it slow. Not that you asked for my advice. :)

Bobbie, I have the same problem with my mom eating. She'll say she's not hungry and then wants food or she'll say she's hungry and then won't eat. It does get frustrating.

Cat scratched me this morning. On my face. I was carrying her and she got spooked and ouch!!!!

Ow, Miz!
love to all,
off to vacuum.


Miz-I totally agree-I wish this site has a chatroom. and if anyone asks about the cat scratch, just say "You should see the other fella." And enjoy the muscle relaxers while they last-might as well get some kind of fun out of it

Kelley-oooooh, I'm so excited for you! Take a lot of notes for us and have a blast!

bobbie-gma is infuriating to feed. She has decided that any amount of food over 3 bites is going to make her fat. uuuuugggh. So I sympathise with the whole eating disaster. Hope the doc eval goes well. Keep us posted.

Hello everyone just popped in to say hello to everyone!

Howdy. Hi. Hello. Howareya? Sorry, I'm tired & punchy....

Hi everyone!!

Sooooooo... *sigh* it was so wonderful....... he even encouraged me to take a cake to my moms daycare for her bday.. she said she didnt want one, but we agreed she really WOULD. Poor Keith, he stayed in the van and when the staff heard why i couldnt stay.. well they all went out there to look at him! hahah... embarrassing but mom was so cute all of them standing there waving at him..and he was a good sport about it! I felt so bad that he was then heading home in horrible traffic.. pamela knows what im talking about!! and he said "but it was well worth it to me" awwww.....Next week im going down there to spend the day and see his town (he lives about 50 miles from here)

Mom was very happy for me and asked a bunch of positive questions. she is just so cheery right now that i hope i can hold that attitude for a while. because as we all know.. when its a good day its a great day and when its bad... its hell..

today seemed like a good day for everyone.. except Miz.. poor thing.. i think ill buy you a face guard..

Well I just read the first few entries of this post and I thought to myself...well then I am not alone with this gross stuff. God forbide I do any of that later on...please shoot me. My mom started to do gross stuff just within the past 6 months...when I come over there (she is still living on her own becuase my life would be over due to she is so controlling)...I find silverware and cups and glasses loaded up with layers. She will not get into the habit of putting dirty stuff in the sink...I finally have gotten over that and just deal with it now. Yep I know about food all over the table on clothes and on the floor. My mom used to be such a freaking neat a holic too...what happened....alz/dem? She's on a constipation kick now...oye veh!

lol welcome to the club, pirategal!!!! glad youre here!!!!!!!!

I was a member last year but this dumb website fried on my email addy and had to create a whole new email account (for nothing)...silly that you cannot contact anyone here at this website about stuff like previous name was Piratess.

Hey there PirateGal. We have a Pirate!!! this is huge.

talk more later, doctor coming late for mom's evaluation.


good luck Cap'n!! We'll be here afterwards

Kelley, i am soooo happy that your date went well. I hope the next time is wonderful too!! PirateGirl, I'm glad you're here. You will love this bunch. bobbie, how did the eval go? How are you doing? I probably won't be on here until Sunday after 12:00 pm. Hubby says there's supposed to be a bad snow storm coming. We're going north so I'm kinda nervous. We'll take it easy though. His back is not any better. I hope the chiropractor can help him tomorrow. He's been using Mom's walker some. My how life is strange. I'm so glad you're all here. Wish we were on that boat though. :)

Hey all,

Mom has a 'loud' heart murmur. I'm freaking. I changed my flight to NJ to Fri instead of Monday so i can take her to the cardiologist. She looks good, says she's feeling good so of course I haven't mentioned it to her, just saying that it's part of the check in procedure for the place.
I got her some new outfits and tonight we had a fashion show, She looks great.
she said today that she doesn't want to go and we talked about it and she knows that it's best because of how hard it would be for her to fly with me and cope with all of that.
I hope she'll be ok.

Miz Demi and sore husband, KelleyBean and NICE DATE! with Keith. sounds like a sweet guy.
Hey Rep, whassup.
Hey PirateGal! Can you drive a boat? Love your pic.
I'm obsessed with boats. Takes my mind off of the sad parts of what we do and takes my mind off of the worry for a minute.

Everybody hang in there and be safe and there's a Deadliest Catch marathon on the Discovery Channel tomorrow in honor of Captain Phil Harris who died recently. (saturday) starting noon Eastern, 9am here in the West. I'm telling you, watch this show and know that we are not going to the Bering Sea to fish crab. Love to watch those big boats thrash about in those huge waves. SS Hurl.


awwwwww lawdddddd we got a real pirate, we're in business now!

Bobbie sorry I missed all that, hope everything turns out OK. MiZ, (aka Demi) hows hubby. What's up Rep, hey Maxine you OK? alright now there KellyBean what did Ms Sophia say "Iz got a man now". SS are you there? or am I sleepy.

Talk w/u all 2morrow.

was actually sad when i heard about Phil.. he was one of my favorites to watch.. 2nd to the time bandits boys ;)

My mom has lived with a murmur for YEARS. Don't panic just yet, my friend... calm cool waters!!!!

pam, you doin alright today?

Hows the hubbysitting going, miz??

KelleyBean? Really?
I'm sitting here crying. Mom isn't up yet. I'll tell her I got cream in my eyes.

thank you MissBean.

Miz won't be back until noon sunday. She's got some time off to go with her husband to his chiropractor.

I love Pam. very funny:
awwwwww lawdddddd we got a real pirate, we're in business now!

must make note to stock Rum on boat.

We need to hear from Maxine and Rep and the rest of the gang.


Yes, Bobbie, really, I just asked mom again how long shes had it and neither one of us can remember when she was diagnosed, its been that long.. And they say its a loud one. See what the cardiologist has to say.. dry your tears *hugs*

Shes a pirate, Bobbie.. we will hide the rum and have ourselves a treasure hunt in between island hopping lol

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