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Sendme, all gone because someone else ate it, or you did??

Ladee, offered to share it, over three days time. I'm just not saying.


Sendme... Ha, your secret is safe with me....I would have let you share with me.....remember, I carry spoons in my car !!!

Hot chocolate, Sunday evening.

Traveling the world in my armchair. Armchair traveler. You are all very good at describing nature, gardens, places, parks. My head is spinning I've been so many stormy places today! What was in that hot chocolate anyway?

Bookluvr, where have you been?

Today is Monday. Not my favorite day, but it's the last day of August! Have been sleeping better, looking forward to the challenge of my first car payment and managing a new budget with car insurance, gas, maintenance, and washing not allowed in our driveway. Times are better for me now, some of that is what I have learned on this forum, and much is attributed to being able to connect with all of you. Everyone is special here. And I can tell you from my own personal experience that no matter how small the issue, having others share the same experience has made a huge difference in my mood and hope for today to be a better day. It's up to me, but now I have some strength and encouragement.
Thanks to everyone!

One of my favorite things is my fireplace dvd. This dvd gets heavy use but it makes a world of difference to me. Coloring mandalas is one of my things where I have an excuse for making things any color I want!

Jazzy - mandalas are fascinating! They're so unique, so full of depth and lend themselves to so any color combination interpretations. I love them too, especially ones like animal mandalas and Christmas mandalas.

The first day of a season changing month. One's approach toward life begins to change...

Time to start cleaning up the garden after harvesting all but the crops still growing...

Time to start planning for next year's garden...

Time to think about getting painting projects done before it's too cold to paint...or maybe putting off painting projects because it'll be too chilly soon - then the task is put off for until next year...

Time to go to fabric stores and check out the new Christmas fabrics, even if I'm not sewing much any more. Just the beauty of the designs is inspiring and a mental uplift.

Time to think about the harvest... the fresh apples from Michigan, freshly pressed cider - there's nothing like the fragrance and taste of fresh cider!

Time to think about holiday activities...visiting a cider mill, picking apples from an orchard, planning a hayride, planning Halloween decorations, carving pumpkins...

Time to start checking the grapevines for hardness that makes them more sturdy for wreaths, and time to start planning the Fall, Christmas and Winter wreath designs...

I've already seen Halloween magazines and one Christmas decoration magazine in the stores. That always inspires projects to plan.

Anyone else feel that sense of anticipation? One last summer/fall holiday then it's drifting into Fall.

Garden Artist, are we having a Martha Stewart moment here? I love it, who needs her ideas when we've got you!

Martha Stewart? OMG, no! I don't even engage in insider trading, let alone have multiple animals or poultry to care for (although I would like to borrow a few goats from someone local to trim the unwanted foliage in the back yard and nibble on the lawn to help me minimize my carbon footprint!

Seriously, she's so "over the top" that it's almost laughable.

A lot of the ideas I get are just from trying to be in tune with seasonal rhythms, and are espoused by many gardeners, who I've always felt have a bond with the land and don't see it as something to be "managed", manipulated and/or controlled.

Mother Earth News years ago used to be one of the few magazines that provided information on this lifestyle. I still have the magazines I bought, probably including the article on how to build a cider press - something I used to want to do.

I guess that means I'm a magazine hoarder?

The harvest moon draped in clouds. My son's first laugh as my telephone ring tone. My husband's phone ringing with same laugh ring tone in public restroom with very large men on either side of him using urinal.

Oh boy! Martha Stewart! I gotta get in on this! She's a major Babe, America's Queen of style for lo these many years. You can sleep on her sheets, cover you windows with her curtains, wear her clothes, paint your walls with her paint and make a wreath for the front door in 163 easy steps. And she goes to the slam and comes out back on top!

Remember the topless Martha skit on Sat Nt Live? Just precious.......

And yes, she survived a jail term, recovered and rebounded as if insider trading was merely a blip on the radar.

Funny, some of these insider trading folks managed to survive despite their crimes. I recall Mike Milken was eventually involved in some cancer support group; Ivan Boesky was the inspiration for Gekko in Wall Street with Michael Douglas playing the pompous Gekko, and Charlie Sheen his gullible protegee. I'm sure Boesky negotiated some fat profits from the movie rights based on his life.

But if you tell me you watch her cooking shows I'll be devastated forever!

Well Garden, she is kinda hot Ya know.......

Windy, I'm struck by your confession and at a loss for words. Give me some time to come up with a proper retort.

In the meantime, care to share any of those delicious delicacies that you're learning to make while watching the Great Martha? Has your wife decided to let you do all the cooking and baking yet?

Well ok, she is getting a little long in the tooth, as they say.......and have never cooked one dish or bought one product and don't follow her tweets. And honestly never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be discussing Martha Stewart on a forum. But hey, you brought it up! I just find her longevity fascinating. She was a model way back when...1890s I think.......

Windy you are a scream...........:) Martha Stewart a babe? LOL To each his own I guess. Let me guess you probably have a huge hankering for Betty White too.

GA, you can get Mother Earth online !!!! I get great emails everyday.... but don't throw out the magazines... go back and look at them.... found some ancient zines at J's house... had a ball looking at the way people dressed.... and wore REAL hose, not pantyhose..... and just how syrupy everything was..... what a bizarre time of innocence....

Boy! A guy makes a couple nice comments about Martha S and now y'all are making me out to be some kinda creep....Jeeze....

Aw windy we love you..........

Hey, you gotta admire a woman who gets a degree in architectural and European history and apparently leveraged it to subsequently get a job as a stockbroker, then goes on to become one of the most famous women in the world through another leveraging, this time of domestic bliss and creativity.

Even the chairwoman of the Fed with her admirable economic qualifications will never make as much money as Martha.

But it’s okay, Windy. We now know that you have a hankering for older women or should I say older women who like to make money?

Exactly.......All my wives have been older, smarter and richer than me. It's a good system as long as you don't mind be a boy toy, slave. My current wife even let's me have up to 2 beers a day!

I think I've had the wrong approach. Maybe I need to look for some older, richer men.

Two beers a day - naw - I want to spend my money on garden plants and equipment!

Just received my fall Wayside catalogue today and the dollars are going to be adding up as I go through it....where can I find a sugar daddy really quickly??? I wouldn't mind having one who does all the cooking and cleaning as well.

Rainy afternoons, curled up on the couch, a 7 week old chubby puppy, curled up under your neck snoring and.....wait for it..... puppy breath. sigh.

GA....go for it, girl! Jeanette....such a lovely little visual you paint w/words....quite poetic! Also love your doggie pic....beautiful...both dog and setting!
FIREFLIES .... for a couple of weeks this past August the yard was just filled w/them right after sunset as it got darker and cool, brought me right back to childhood and running around w/a Mason jar....of course, I whipped out my iphone and tried to snap a pic of the yard lit up by fireflies....what did I get? Just dark skies and a garishly lit
WHALES....Years ago (10+) I was in Hawaii and went out on a boat whale watching. They were everywhere....such huge, magnificent creatures...they would rise up out of the ocean for split seconds, then disappear again below the surface. Of course, I kept trying to get a photo. This being before cell phones w/cameras, I had to have the film developed. Literally, picked up the photos and raced home because I'd invited friends time to look

Ooops...accidental early post.....Anyway, no time to look at pics before friends arrived.....they saw them first, and....were baffled w/the 15 pics of nothing but empty ocean....Never did catch one of those magnificent
BUTTERFLIES....Mom's lovely ALF has the most incredible butterfly garden (GA you would love it).....huge, beautiful wind chimes, each w/a different tone (I always walk around and chime them for Mom....and me!). Beautiful large and small sculptures of birds and animals, and of course, lovely flowering plants that attract a ton of beautiful butterflies. Last time I was there w/Mom there were butterflies everywhere....BUT....Mom never saw one of them! She was starting to get irritated because every time I pointed one out to her, by the time she turned her head, it had flitted off....gone....she missed it. So, of course, I pull the iphone out and try to capture a pic....well, by now you know how that butterfly pics....luckily Mom has a great sense of humor still. She said to me, "Well, let's go to the lake (right around the corner from the garden). At least I know I can still actually see the ducklings there!" LOL....

On Martha Stewart: How do you know that Martha Stewart has been in your home?
There's the tell-tale sign of lemon slices in the dog's water bowl; all the towels are folded like swans! Those are just a couple of jokes my son told me a few years ago; there are more, but these are the ones that really stuck in my mind!

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