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Let me tell you a story: My daughter dated a wonderful young man for 8 years, beginning right before college. Everyone loved him. Great son-in law prospect. But he didn’t ask her to marry him in all that time. They talked of a future together… but as time went on, he seemed happy to keep things as they were. One day, she said to me, “I don’t think we’re going to make it”. She was unhappy…and she broke it off with him. Within a year and a half she was happily engaged to someone ELSE. They’ve been married for a couple of years now and have a beautiful daughter.
My advice is break it off with him NOW. It will hurt. But you need to move on. Your boyfriend is still a nice young man, but he doesn’t seem ready for you. You don’t have to feel bad for putting yourself first. Best wishes!
Helpful Answer (7)
Ariadnee Jan 2022
Yep. My friend dated a guy through college and a few years after. Nice guy. But not exactly focused on much. So, one day she tells me, she's on the roof of his house, nailing a few shingles-I interject-"Why? Where was he?" She said "he was busy with his Mom-they went for tea". Huh? Her disconnect with what was going on was sad. I offered my perspective on what had happened and other issues that had come up with his mother. Thank goodness she left him a few months later-he never tried to get her back. She met and married a wonderful guy, couple great kids too.
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Your daydreaming has turned into a nightmare. One that will prevent you from maturing, your brain becoming fully grown at age 25.

age 25
Brain Maturity Extends Well Beyond Teen Years. Under most laws, young people are recognized as adults at age 18. But emerging science about brain development suggests that most people don't reach full maturity until the age 25.

Forget the grandma issue. Be selfish enough to allow for your future happiness.
Helpful Answer (4)
Rose87 Jan 2022
I feel that way too that’s why I’m done daydreaming and getting my hopes up for the plans. Meanwhile I’m going to focus on how I can improve and grow myself on my own. I will be and won’t put myself down for it anymore, thank you for your advice!
Rose87: Imho, something seems amiss with the SEVEN year relationship that you have with your boyfriend. You've invested seven years with this young man. Wherein lies the plan to move forward?
Helpful Answer (4)
Rose87 Jan 2022
Well I thought the plan to move in engaged was moving forward but it was just me thinking that at that time. and he says we’re doing that now but maybe the arguments that we’ve had have made me unsure whether we’ll make it or not :( thank you for reading and posting!
Respect for his grandma is admirable, and also his love for his grandma, but where is his respect for you and your respect of yourself? Time to sit down and be honest and assess your own feelings, your bf, and your relationship.
Helpful Answer (6)
Rose87 Jan 2022
You’re right AliBoBali, it’s time for me to really think and figure out what’s the best thing for ME and my future. I think that it being a hard pill to swallow is a small sign that I am unsure of the relationship’s future. Thank you for replying!
You must decide what is best for you, not what is best for the grandmother. Your boyfriend has already decided what is best for his grandmother. This is now about you and your future. If you feel this way now, you will be miserable if you move in with them. Don’t worry about being labeled “selfish”. This is your life and you have only one. Spend it wisely.
Helpful Answer (6)
Rose87 Jan 2022
Thank you Elleoop! I feel better and more brazen about my decision, I don’t feel selfish anymore because like you said I gotta look out for myself and it took a lot for me to realize that. I appreciate it a lot!
Run for the hills young girl this would make you so unhappy think that you need to move on and let your boyfriend spend his life with his Grandmother on his own he is not the one for you
Helpful Answer (5)
Rose87 Jan 2022
I want to try a little bit more before I move on… after I talked to him using the advice from these replies it seemed like a wake-up call to him. Well hopefully he gets up before I’m gone. Thank you for making me laugh and the reply!
[Old fashioned alert!] You have been romantically involved with this boy (notice I did not use the word "man") for seven years? And you are both in your mid-twenties, and he does not want to marry you? He really has told you everything you need to know about his commitment level. You are not his number one concern, and you would need to be to even consider a life together. I wonder if you have invested so much time hoping this would work out, and of course you have feelings for him and have remained true to him rather than considering another man, that you are uneasy about admitting that this is not going anywhere that makes longterm sense for you at all. In any case, don't settle for just moving in with some guy, in Grandma's house or in any other dwelling. No matter how prevalent cohabiting is in our society, if you look around, you can see how generally badly it is working out, particularly for women. If you need a place to live, do something as drastic as joining the Army or something as tame as finding some sensible women to share rent. Save yourself for a man who marries you first. You are worthy of that.
Helpful Answer (4)
Rose87 Jan 2022
“He really has told you everything you need to know about his commitment level.”
Sadly he did, and I am hurt by it. His words don’t matter if he won’t show them by actions right? By big boy actions… I definitely do see that it generally goes worse for the ladies when moving in like that which is another reason why I’m so against it. To be honest I need a rock, a MAN that will make decisions about our future without me having to guide him through. Yes, this year I’ll let time flow naturally and will move in somewhere with other girlies if he doesn’t hustle up. Thank you for your words after ready my post!
You know he doesn't want to marry you, so why waste your life waiting on his family? This isn't about grandma - but he is using her as a convenient excuse to drive you away. Take the hint. You deserve better.
Helpful Answer (3)
Rose87 Jan 2022
I DO deserve better I am seeing that in every argument now. And you’re right, he would say he does want to but in reality not as in the “ok LETS DO THIS”, he’s saying that now and I believe that he wants it now but I am emotionally not convinced and I am trying not to get carried away anymore. Thank you very much for reading and replying!
Just curious, Rose, do you have anything to say or are you even still here?

Some feedback for all the time and effort put in to answer your post is always appreciated, by everyone.
Helpful Answer (4)
Ariadnee Jan 2022
Yep. I keep checking for a reply. The comments have been great. Heart wrenching, funny and smart. A terrific thread no matter what.
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I would love to began by saying. Ur boyfriend is a wonderful grandson and he loves her dearly. However, he’s not really a good boyfriend. It’s been 7 yrs to long. Yes ur young to soon to get married should have been engaged. However, I think he’s not for u and that’s to much of a burden for such young folks. Where is his mom or other mature ppl. U guys should be living ur life. He could check in on her. I think u should let him stay with his grandma and u go on ur way. He loves her more. I think u would be the caregiver and he would be living his life. Live separate and date.
Helpful Answer (5)
Rose87 Jan 2022
I think exactly that! I don’t want to be her caregiver anytime soon! Unfortunately I also see that he is not the best boyfriend for me. He is amazing more times than not but when we fall we fall very deep. Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate it!
Hello everyone, I am sorry for not replying in a long while after so many helpful replies. Really really these replies helped me so much in deciding what to do and help me feel more confident in my decision. I wanted to have the right words to reply to such helpful and profound replies but it has been hard putting words together that are worthy of all these replies. My circumstance with my boyfriend was still up for question since we have been fighting a lot so I felt like I hadn’t moved yet from where I started and I wanted to bring good news, or news at all. Still sorry it took this long, it has just been hard seeing my relationship mend and then strain (arguments about small things and then become big) and repeat in just the time frame of since I posted my cry for help to yesterday. I read the replies 20 times a day because they gave me comfort, I talked to my boyfriend and let him know that I don’t have any plans on moving in but instead I want a life with him in the privacy of our own home and if he’s not willing then it’s ok but then I’m moving on by myself. Not as in breaking up with him but as letting time flow and letting the relationship die out on its own. I tried my best to not make it sound like an ultimatum as I was advised here so that later on he won’t hold resentment. Many of you say and know that it’ll be very hard to move on from this relationship and I’m understanding first hand now. Yes he is a great grandson but like many of you said in a marriage we come as one and I should be prioritized, I told him that he doesn’t make me feel that way and after we talked he came to the decision of doing what I wanted. To be honest everyone’s words are still floating in my head and I see things much clearer so im not 100% convinced he is ready.
Also many people asked about his other adults, they are out living their lives not living with grandma leaving the youngest of the family with grandma, so yes I think you guys are right that they are using him as the scapegoat. The mom is living with her boyfriend, aunt/ uncle have their own place and my boyfriend’s brothers are out living with their partners. My boyfriend does not provide money for that house. It sounds rude to say it like that but it’s true. (Also to answer another question, he does not heavily take care of her as if she’s ill, he is there, if she needs something he is there to get it. So no, he doesn’t take care of her in a medical way. He just wants to be there when she passes away.)

I do need to meet more people, you guys have opened my eyes to that. I need to experience things and grow on my own I see that now more than ever thanks to you guys. I’ve gone out of my comfort zone to sign up for artist meet and greet groups and am looking into cooking and dancing classes to open my circle. I haven’t gone yet because COVID came to my house first but I will push myself for it. And about my boyfriend we made up, talked and he promised to live that life starting this year but to be honest I’m not putting my hopes up that high anymore just in case it doesn’t happen. I will let his actions speak while I enjoy my youth not worrying about will he or won’t he or about marriage. You guys are wiser than me and many have advised me to leave him, I think I’ll let time do it itself as I open my horizons like suggested by some here. I’m not going to sit and wait on him anymore. I am beginning to have the courage now to say, “Ok it’s not working out” but I think I’ll hold those words and see what happens first. Im dumb and in love and am hoping for a change, but recent arguments made me very close mentally and emotionally to be ready to say enough. Hopefully I am making sense, im typing while going through the booster side effects. Also he suffers from depression etc, so it’s even harder to say those words.
I was forgetting to say, thank you for validating my feelings pouring such detailed and helpful advice. I don’t feel selfish anymore, I feel strong about my decision.
Helpful Answer (12)
Daughterof1930 Jan 2022
Rose, thank you for the update. You seem to be gaining strength and confidence, attributes that will always help in life’s journey. Wonderful that you’re pursuing your own life and interests. I’d bet you’ll be fully ready to leave this mess behind sooner than you think. I wish you the best
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Dear Rose, thank you for coming back, and also for telling us that replies have actually helped you.

Right now you have my sympathy, and also my respect. You have spent so many years with a plan in your head and heart, and it’s very very difficult to accept that the plan was wrong all along. Where do you go from there, to wipe out the old plan and find another one with a better chance of working? That’s where my respect comes in – you have signed up for classes, you are determined to meet more and different people. Great stuff!

Don’t get bogged down by ‘he suffers from depression’. Perhaps he is depressed because he feels so bad about stringing you along instead of going through with the old plan. Getting out yourself might set him free too. And if it doesn’t, it’s his problem to fix, you can’t fix it – certainly not by continuing just as you have been. Go, girl!
Helpful Answer (6)
Rose87 Jan 2022
Thank you so much for the words Margaret! I’m honored and feel like I’m floating high, also about his depression, that would make a lot of sense…
Excellent that you have replied and are thinking on your situation now and in the future.

I want you to be able to discern the truth. Can you read a bit on the term:
"future faking"?

The boyfriend may have done this, and if so, you need to protect yourself from a crazy future, with him ultimately saying to you:
"I never said that"; I never said I will marry you".

Maybe you have been 'gaslighted', strung along; deceived.
Helpful Answer (4)
Rose87 Jan 2022
I really really hope that’s he’s not doing this, that would put a big nail on the coffin although it would make it easier for me to break it off
Rose, where are you living now? Are you living by yourself?

If that's the case, especially, I would friendzone the BF. Meaning no physical benefits. He can't be seeing your apartment and you as a place to have sex, then go home to granny. If he wants to demonstrate independence, he needs to get his own place and from there perhaps you resume the physical.

This experience also gives you an excellent springboard to talk to your own parents. If you haven't left home yet, you need to for exactly the same reasons your bf needs to. At that point you make clear that should they require aging solutions in the future, you'll help them as versus being the solution--just as you will not be imposing on them by making them take your family in or putting them on any future babysitting schedule.
Helpful Answer (4)
Rose87 Jan 2022
I’m currently living with my parents because rent is so high in LA, living on my own would honestly leave me with very little money to save. I really like that idea of friendzoning him A LOT! It would serve to motivate him more, of course I don’t want it to be the only motivation but I think it would be very fun and exciting! Thank you for your reply!!
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Rose, Rose, Rose. In all your 24 years of life, did you ever date anyone else, break up with anyone before and have your heart broken? If not, that’s part of your problem.

You are so fearful of the hurt from breaking up that the fear is stopping you from doing the right thing. Mature adults will do what’s necessary even if it’s hard and painful.

Answer this question in your head. What’s the WORST thing that could happen once you break up with the wrong boyfriend? Are you going to kill yourself? Hope not. Are you going to spiral out of control and don’t know what to do with life? Hope you’re stronger than a snowflake.
Perhaps, you will cry. Cry for all the lost years and memories. After that, you will feel sad for a long while. But you will start feeling better and will start meeting others. Then you will not think about this guy so much. And one day, you realize you hadn’t thought of him at all.

Do you cook? Bake? Create things? If you do, you know that the quality of the ingredients is essential. Bad ingredients get you bad results.

Same with building a life. Choose your life partner wisely. Don’t just choose to stay because you are too scared to look around and find what is best for you.

You can do this. Leave this boy for his grandma. He is not the best ingredient for building a happy marriage.
Helpful Answer (6)

Well, if he's not willing to leave his grandma to have a separate life with you as his wife, is he worth staying with? I'm sure you love him and it would hurt to break up with him. It's rough either way. But better to find out now then after you're married. You're wise to set boundaries and want your own place with your man.

I get it in a way. A few years ago after my husband and I moved into our house, his mom and step-dad proposed that we take over his sister's care (who has a autism, though pretty high-functioning, she doesn't drive and still has to be reminded of etiquite, hygiene and she's 24). I have told my husband that we really need to clarify that with his mom and step-dad before that "someday" comes. We were going to see them this weekend and talk to them then, but of course, his mom and step-dad have covid. We should have just said "No" right away but were caught off guard and have a hx of people pleasing.

Anywho, I hope this lets you know that I get where you are coming from and it's okay to have boundaries to guard your heart and keep your sanity.
Helpful Answer (5)

Rose, thanks for the update. What I read is from a woman who is maturing. How it works with your boyfriend will depend if he matures along with you. People do outgrow each other. Like I said before relationships tend to get "comfortable". We all need to find our own way and learn what we personally want out if our lives. If someone comes along who wants to share that life OK. But, that person needs to make u his priority. He needs to love you for who u are warts and all. Not who he wants you to be and that goes both ways.

Please follow up on how things are going.
Helpful Answer (2)

Rose, I think it's also possible that this guy's just clueless. If he were a really bad guy, you'd not have tolerated it all this time - right? I agree that's it's extremely likely he's wanting to move you in for his own gain as a caregiver for grandma or whatever else. But.... my own DH was neglected as a child. I suspect physical/sexual abuse as well, but he denies. The neglect was bad enough and it affected him profoundly in terms of how to be a boyfriend/spouse. I always knew there was something off about him and it took years to figure it out. We dated during the same years you mention: age 17 to 24 (at which time we did marry). He did not know how to be in a loving relationship, but seemed willing to learn. He wasn't mean.... just not loving. Didn't seem to understand how to love - if that makes sense. Love had not been shown to him and I recall MIL laughing about how she would leave DH crying in his crib and didn't tend to him. "My other child needed me" she said. In reading your story, I could kind of see my DH living with Grandma and just thinking I'd move in (after marriage) and not looking at it any further than that. To him, it would be simple: He's got a place, why move? No rent? Why move? Complexities of life often escape him(even to this day) as normal behavior wasn't modeled (or at least not to him). He struggles greatly with understanding how he is perceived by others - like a little child without friends who doesn't understand why other kids don't want to play. Yes, your boyfriend may be paving the way for him to stay rent free with you doing hands on care for his grandma while his life does not change. However, that may not have crossed his mind if he is very emotionally immature for whatever reason and can't see beyond the end of his own nose. However, in either case, it's not yours to fix and you should not feel that you must give up your future for him and Grandma. You do not have to rehabilitate him or teach him what he should have already known before you met him. The only person you can change is yourself and you are still young enough to start a new path for yourself - it gets tougher to start over as we age. And seven years of dating is a long time - trust me, I know. I have to constantly be in teaching/fixing mode and I am tired. Our marriage spans many decades by this point. Other women would have divorced him long ago - and he would have never figured out why. It just does not compute in his brain - and he is indeed extremely intelligent. Only you can decide what you can live with and what you cannot.
Helpful Answer (5)

You may have had years invested in this relationship but it seems it is all one sided. He has not made any effort to move your relationship to the next level. That is not an accident; he does not want to move forward. Really you should run...and go create the life you really want and not the life you have imagined you will have with this guy. What happens when "grandma" needs more care? Are you willing to do that. If you cannot end it, maybe just take a break and see what life might be like without this hanging over your head
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