We are in and out of the hospital with multiple issues mostly stemming from the lack of wanting to drink. UTIs, pneumonia, dehydration, falls from dehydration, low blood pressure issues stemming from dehydration.
The assisted living home will encourage fluids but they don’t sit there to see that they are not being fully used. There’s no explaining the importance of hydration because there are a million excuses as to why she has more than enough (possibly drinks 2-8 ounces a day!) I understand this is her disease making things difficult but does anyone else have any experience with this? Any advice appreciated!
My Mother will now only drink milk & sometimes juice (nectar thickness). Anything thinner causes coughing & choking which is awful for her (& awful to watch).
Jelly & icecream seem to be very popular with many who won't drink although these require effort (spoon, coordination & concentration). Also cordial instead of water. Sorry I haven't found an answer to this either.
So. The next time she goes to the ER for whatever issue is happening, that is when I am asking for a hospice evaluation. So we can end the insanity of the hospitals, the rehabs, the tests, all of it. She deserves comfort care at this stage of her life (93) and disease. She also refuses to drink liquid b/c it 'makes her pee' and she's incontinent on top of everything else.
Leave your loved one alone, get a hospice evaluation the next time she's off to the ER, and let God take over. When it's her time to go, she'll go. Your job is to see that she's as comfortable as possible during the journey.
Popsicle's, jello, pudding, (keep in mind none of these are good if the food has to be thickened.)
Meals like soups are another great way to increase fluids.
Between meal shakes like Boost, Ensure or other nutrition drinks might also help.
Is it possible that the AL is not able to monitor enough and the better choice would be Memory Care?
I agree that memory care is probably a better option for her at this point but it’s convincing her children to make that move for her that’s stalling the process. I hope they see very soon that it is the safest option.
Now there does come a time when not drinking or eating means the body is shutting down. They no longer can swallow. Forcing them to do either does more harm than good. This is the "end stage". This is where Hospice can be called in. They will keep the person comfortable.
And they don't decide, they can no longer do that. The brain is dying and losing controll of the body.
I wanted to know if anyone has advice for how to deal with this since it is causing a lot of medical issues for her.
we are concerned that it will worsen.
Careblazer, I am sorry that you are facing these difficult choices. I think that tiredandweary nailed the reality of the situation perfectly.