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In agreement with Igloo, who is really knowledgeable about this topic.
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Hmmm...I will ask the social worker about all of this. I can't do anything in DE until I move back there. I did live there before my mom fell ill and I want to go back. I want to take care of her but I cannot give up my life to do it. I love my childhood home but I had my own place once like most grown adults do. The way I understood it from DE social services is that if my mom is with me under my care I can apply for services---it is not an issue that she has a home in MD and she does not have to change her primary residence. I am currently paying $400 month daycare and about $300 in gas---which will no longer be paid out if we can get Medicaid waiver and I am closer to work---this can go towards rent. I am a home health aide and all of my DE patients have it. We will still be living in my mom's house 4 days a week, but it will be her address, not mine. She has tons of clothes and equipment that I can split between her house and mine. The electric bill will be reduced since not in MD full time and not in DE full time---no cable or phone needed in DE apartment---just a place to lay our heads until I am off from work and can take her home. I work 4 days so she can have 3 days home. Very nice neighborhood that her house will be safe until we get back. Looking for an apartment on ground level so I can get her in and out. We can get more rest and not have to get up at 4a for work and daycare. The daycare bus can even pick her up if she is in DE. My brother lives in DE and can help me and she may also qualify for home health aides so I can work a few hours in the evenings. Will not be easy but unless DE social services tells me impossible I will have to try. I will have to see what the pros and cons are and glad that I talked with you guys so that I know what questions to ask. I really appreciate this forum so much:)
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Found a 1BR (I will sleep on the sofa lol) for $500 month...just can't take our Chihuahua since no pets but the point is I did find one in my price range in a decent neighborhood 5 miles from her daycare in DE and closer to my brother which means help for me...and I may just have to do it without the Medicaid since that seems to be just a little complicated so Medicare will suffice for now. In either case seems obvious I will have to consult an elder law attorney to figure this all out.
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