
How do I find out if they have closed it or still investigating? There is no warrant for my arrest. Nov 3 2018 to today is along time to hear nothing.

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No ones reading it wrong but continue on trying to stir the pot send.
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needtowashhair Feb 2020
Says the pot stirrer.
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I don't think people are reading this right. There may not even be a case opened at the police department. OP said a case was opened and sent to the police department. So it sounds like it was a APS case that was opened and referred to the police. Just because they sent a referral to the police doesn't mean the police will do anything about it.
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The post is tagged with elder abuse and family caregiver. There are plenty of posts from people who are seeking legal and tax advice & who would be better off posting elsewhere but no one says a thing about it.
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I still would like to know what this has to do with caregiving.   I think the poster might be better of finding a legal forum with a section on criminal issues.
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needtowashhair Feb 2020
Because the OP is probably talking about a APS case. That's why it's posted under "elder abuse". People post about APS cases all the time.
How do you even know that a case was opened? What were the circumstances and backstory?
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worriedinCali Feb 2020
He was probably contacted by the investigators.
How are the charges related to caregiving?
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needtowashhair Feb 2020
Since it's posted under "elder abuse". Probably APS.
If you know the case number you should be able to look it up its online and maybe just find out if it's still open.
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worriedinCali Feb 2020
Incorrect geaton. This type of record is not available online no matter where you are. It is not a court case.
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You have to call the police department and speak to the detective assigned to the case. Investigations can stay open for years.
Helpful Answer (2)
needtowashhair Feb 2020
There may be no police investigation. OP said it was sent to the police. OP didn't say the police did anything about it. Just because the police get a referral doesn't mean they do anything about it. No case. No detective assigned to it.
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