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My heart goes out to you. From the symptoms you describe it sounds like your brother needs assessing and medication. The paranoia and the controlling behaviours, the aggression and the self neglect (when left alone) etc. sound serious.
The issue with an undignosed and untreated condition (e.g. such as schizophrenia or bipolar) is that it can get worse. Verbal aggression fueled by paranoia can lead to unreasonable demands and physical aggression.
Your father sounds like a lovely person who has tried to do his best for his children. He has tried to look after his son without involving outside authorities but sometimes we have to get the help. He might be surprised by how much a little help might do.
If he is frightened of his son's reaction to enlisting help, then that is all the more reason to contact someone but either way something needs to be done, as the situation sounds unsustainable.
It sounds like you need to talk to your father and explain that one of you need to call for outside intervention. You need to explain the situation has worsened since COVID and can get worse again. That you are ALL suffering, that it is time.
Start small, call a help line and discuss the options, see your own doctor and talk to them about it, open up to the choices. The situation has been met before, there are people who can help.
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As long as your father keeps protecting your brother there’s nothing you can do. If you report it & it’s investigated your dad will deny everything so they won’t be able to help.

I was in a similar situation & there’s nothing you can do.
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