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Medicaid does allow for this but you will probably need to prove you can pay taxes, utilities and upkeep. If not, may be better to sell the house and use the proceeds for Moms care.
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yankeetooter Mar 2021
True, but then that leaves me without a roof over my head, which is hard to take after I have cared for my mom for more than 2 years.
The majority of siblings would never allow this to happen. You are very fortunate. But, correct, you will be responsible for all house related expenses.

You might start by calling the assessors office in your county and ask if you are entitled to any discount on the taxes.
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JoAnn29 Mar 2021
She is not the owner so is not entitled to any tax breaks.
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If mom goes into long term care, all her money will go to pay for care except a small personal allowance (usually less than $150 per month). You will have to cover utilities, repairs, taxes, etc. So you will need enough income to cover that or it will indeed be a money pit.
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