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Here is my 2 cents!

Have you thought about the possibility that the nurse sees somethings that you don't? Drs and nurse are trained to see the human body as one system made up with many systems. What looks like just a bed sore to you, the nurse sees infections, muscle breaking down, tissue (skin) breaking down, circulation problems and etc.

I am with CM, I wouldn't put up to much of a resist you could lose that battle very quickly. The nurse has medical acknowledge and you don't therefore, APS or a judge will believe her over you.

Try to hire a different nurse or use a different agency. You might have the right to fire her; however, make sure you have someone to take her place.

You could be right that she is over stepping the line...but even if your right; what good is going to come out of it?

This is about your mom's health, not about who's will is stronger!

Something to think about!
Helpful Answer (8)

I'm going to answer in a way you might find less confrontational (or not) - I don't get your assertion that this nurse is only offering advice so she can somehow get her claws into your family's business and sell a lot of unneeded services, unless she owns the agency it wouldn't matter to her personally whether you hire 10 hours of help or 100, and (where I live at least) most agencies have a backlog of people waiting for help so it's not as though they are needing to trick people into buying their services. Our home care nurse often asked whether I needed more help and I know she did it out of concern for me as a caregiver, not because she was a shill for her agency. That said, I had a homecare aide I never quite trusted that I had replaced and things ran much more smoothly after she was gone, so you needn't put up with having someone in your home who rubs you the wrong way.
Helpful Answer (16)

I'd have more sympathy for your point of view if this nurse hadn't been called in to deal with a pressure sore.

This will sound a bit brutal. But I suspect that if you continue this battle of wills as you are doing you will soon find APS knocking on your door. Consider the possibility that she is trying to prevent what she perceives as possible neglect. Nurses, I believe, are mandated reporters.

You'd do better to have more respect for her experience. If you're not happy with what her agency charges, you can always shop around.
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Just to play devil's advocate - if you know what is best for your mom and are providing an adequate level of care how did she end up needing to be being treated for a pressure ulcer?
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dmasty Nov 2018
I’m not a nurse but in many cases no one is at fault for a pressure ulcer. Skin breakdown can be part of the decline when an elder starts eating less. Protein status is compromised. Some people with more reserves never develop them. Others, no matter how often they are repositioned will I believe.
Can you ask the agency to send a different worker?
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