My father is 73 years old and has many ailments diabetes, congestive heart failure, Afib, High blood pressure, and he’s on Pradaxa which thins your blood. His doctor suggested he does not have hip surgery I’ve researched it extensively and according to a few what I would call top end websites like the mayo clinic The risk does not seem extensive. He is doing really good for all the ailments he has however if something is not done about his hip he may not walk anymore and he’s already at the point where walking is very hard for him. Does anyone have a story they could share with me about how risky it would be for my father to get a hip replacement which I believe would improve his life?
My mother aged 78 had major surgery for cancer when she was on Warfarin
(blood thinner) plus other meds for high cholesterol and high blood pressure. She was taken into hospital for 10 days while they dropped the Warfarin and monitored all her other med problems (3 blood tests a day). She survived the surgery, but she died three months later from the cancer and the time would have been more comfortable without the surgery. We had another problem with her Oncologist, who wanted another round of chemo and was clearly into as much expensive treatment as possible. Her specialist Physician had a noisy argument about it with the Oncologist just outside her hospital room.
At 72, your father's comfort and mobility for the rest of his life are important. Does he understand the risks, and what is his own opinion?
Is your ailing father aware of this? Is he robust enough to withstand major surgery upside down?
I'd be very cautious about this, and please ask around....if possible, talk to at least 3 others who have undergone this procedure. May God be with you and your father during this difficult time.
Anterior replacement can't be done on obese people. I remember that was part of the criteria.
I myself had great results but this nerve pain is terrible.
Nothing has been decided about his hip disposition, but the comments from those that have faced this issue are very helpful. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
undergoing a hip replacement would be so risky, chances are I would not live through the surgery. The medical risks are hip for someone in good health but anyone with the additional issues, has an even less chance of surviving. I have some friends in my age group. Three had surgery, 2 did not survive, the 3rd one still copes with extreme pain and has more and more difficulty in getting around. This is something you need to very carefully weigh and maybe you might decide to have him see a good, very good pain management specialist and be on
chronic pain management as well as some physical therapy.