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One day, you will have children. And when your children have children, you can babysit for them, and have them over for the holidays. You have a lot of good things ahead, so stay positive.
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ventingisback Jul 2023
I always like your answers: I think in the same as you.

Seeking Peace1, my heart truly goes out to you. I always tell myself 34 was my favorite age (53 now) because this is when I discovered who I was, what I wanted for myself and figured out no one was going to take it away from my. While your load is much heavier, I grew up in a home as the only daughter and kid at home while parents battled for divorce endlessly. One day I had a “clicking thought” in my head. :What I have been dealt is now what I have to deal”. “The past doesn’t dictate my (the) future, and I make the consequences of my actions, not others”. With an open heart, hear these words. There’s comes a point, in my opinion, when it takes us, not meds, counseling, to search deep inside and say “hey, my life is better than this, I’m worth more”. I’m not discouraging you don’t seek help, by all means, if it is available, grab the opportunity. Only a professional can tell you what is truly wrong and why people act the way that they do. But also, we have control over our thoughts. Turn the lights on, get the window open, fresh air, green plants, a yoga mat, smile. Make a good smoothie. Do what it takes to invest in you.

I just started caring for my mom and she’s kinda picky. I decided this could either take 10 years off my life in stress, or I could make the best of it, support her, and also myself. Our parents are the reason we are hear, but the do not need to be our reason for being here, We make our destiny, and truly they deserve our support, even if they do have vices. Treat them with respect, he provided for you, meaning he cares. Possibly look at it as not being cheated, maybe not being changed or influenced by his personality traits.

I want to recommend you start reading philosophy. I found an awesome book called “The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living”. Take the daily read on in the morning and think about it.

Here’s yesterday’s saying, “Trust me, real joy is a serious thing. Do you think someone can, in the charming expression, blithely dismiss death with an easy disposition? Or swing open the doors to poverty, keep pleasures in check, or meditate on the endurance of suffering? The one who is comfortable turning these thoughts over is truly full of joy, but hardly cheerful. It’s a exactly such a joy that I would wish for you to possess, for it will never run dry once you’ve laid claim to its source.” Seneca, Moral Letter, 23.4

Seeking Peace1, I leave you with much love, wisdom, health, and life. Each day is truly a gift. Don’t let anyone unwrap the gift but you, like they said above. Don’t let the outside unhappy make the inside unhappy. Go buy yourself some flowers today. Don’t wait for a boyfriend to go get em for you :)

Cheers and hugs,
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