
Not sure what to do. My mother has dementia, incontinent and does not verbally communicate. She has recently stopped walking due to sores on her heels. Her doctor is treating but she won't walk as long as it hurts. That makes it very hard on me as I have to manually transfer her from bed to wheelchair to chair. If she does't start walking again I will have to get help. Has anyone had success with getting a dementia patient who stopped walking to walk again with PT. She stopped walking a while ago when she twisted her ankle and with PT she started walking again but now it seems she is just not willing to even try for me. If I need to get help, does anyone have any good ideas where to find someone who can change her, feed her and sit with her for a few hours a day. I would love to get someone who can come in the morning before I go to work and help me get her up and in her chair, then stay a few hours and feed her lunch. Has anyone found it's better to get a personal sitter or someone from a home health agency?

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As Ahmijoy states, trying PT doesn't necessarily negate the need for some help at home. If you'd like to explore the option of hiring in-home care in your area, AgingCare offers a free local search with no obligations. Use any of the care and housing forms on the page to search by zip code or use the following link to read more about in-home care. Don't hesitate to come back to the forum for answers or support while you are providing care for mom.
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People with dementia have very basic instincts. It something hurts, they won’t do it. PT may help, but in the meantime you still need help. You will blow out your back and shoulders like I have. Check into a Hoyer lift. The one we have is hydraulic but I’d get an electric if I had to do it again. Check out the Hoyer Patient Lifts on YouTube. Medical supply stores stock them. And check with her Medicare/Medigap for coverage.
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