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I would talk with the Director of Nursing again and mention that it is a requirement of Medicaid to speak in her language. If she does not offer a follow up timeline ask for one. Be professional but firm. Then find an attorney if they do not meet the timeline. If you can't afford an attorney call your county agency on aging and they ca help you find an inexpensive or pro bono
Attorney to write a letter. Most Churches have an attorney in the congregation you can also ask at church. The letter from an attorney will get them moving.
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Oh really? Read this Medicaid regulation to him"
"Interpretive Guidelines §483.10(b)(3)
“Total health status” includes functional status, medical care, nursing care, nutritional status, rehabilitation and restorative potential, activities potential, cognitive status, oral health status, psychosocial status, and sensory and physical impairments. Information on health status must be presented in language that the resident can understand. This includes minimizing use of technical jargon in communicating with the resident, having the ability to communicate in a foreign language and the use of sign language or other aids, as necessary."
Then ask him how he intends to comply with the federal government. Let us know how that goes.
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I did, but they still do not accommodate us.
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See the Director of Nursing about finding a nurse who speaks mom's native dialect.
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