What are the best and most comfortable ladies protective underwear products any one has found to be helpful? They’re much improved from the past but want to make a good choice when I try to introduce her to using them. 85, mild dementia and always in denial!
Two (or three) specific issues here:
1 - what to wear on body;
2 - what to put on the bed (furniture, in car)
3 - dealing with resistance.
* Get a portable toilet next to her bed or wherever it is needed.
* You will likely need to try different items out and see what works.
* I call them 'disposal underwear; my main client calls them diapers.
* You could tell her some people pee in their pants from laughing too hard, regardless of their age. This may not diminish her feelings of embarrassment, however not feeling alone in these situations (or many situations) helps a person feel more understood and perhaps 'normal.' YOU ARE NOT ALONE (and neither are you).
* I've covered my client's mattress with a full queen size protective cover.
That never comes off (because there is enough over it so it doesn't have to).
* Either underneath the (regular) sheet - or on top of the sheet, I have a large fabric protector that can be washed as often as needed. These come in many sizes. The large one we have covers about 1/3 of a queen size bed. Sometimes, I use two since we have two (one is smaller because I didn't have the larger one at the time.)
* In my opinion, one cannot have too much of these items.
IMPORTANT: Always have:
1. Disposal gloves available
2. A can of disinfectant (lycol) - although it is strong (open windows or air out bathroom as much as you can);
3. Some kind of fragrance/air freshener (for when you need it around you when cleaning up.
4. A waste paper basket for this purpose when you need to throw things out quickly. Have it lined.
4a. Buy liners for the waste paper basket(s). I buy at Costco (garbage bag size and liner / small can size.
5. My client uses 'recycled bags (plastic) to put in her wet disposal underwear. These could be from the grocery store vegetable dept., bags from items that are shipped in the mail; if your mom would put these soiled items in a bag and 'wrap it up,' it will help.
6. I've learned to use a large garbage bag in the bathroom so it can be easily tied or secured / closed. The smaller bags don't have enough 'bag' leftover to really help reduce the stench.
7. Get a waste paper basket in the bathroom that will close. One that needs to be open(ed) with a foot or something like that. I couldn't get my client to buy one, but I surely tried. I use Lysol as often as I can (and spray on floor and/or carpet, esp when client goes out to lunch and I can air out her room. (Some may take issue with the chemicals; we all do what we feel we need to do in any given circumstance). No judgment here.
8. Get the carpet shampooed reasonably regularly. I've seen my client 'pee all the way into the bathroom from her bed/ studio-one room.
* * *
Mom had some recent falls (no injury) and now refuses to walk, won't work with OT/PT and is just being an obstinate jerk about it all. I asked that they notify me as extra charges are being made so I will know BEFORE we get the monthly bill! I only have enough money go into her account to cover the "rent" and a little extra for incidentals, etc. Rent is due on the 1st, has TWO extra charges on it and when I asked, we're not even into August and they already have two more pending...
So, are the "overnight" underwear really any better (they are more expensive!)?
Depends pull ups is what she's worn ever since. I order them from Amazon on the auto delivery program.
I am a bit surprised that ANY AL would carpet the elevator. It is much harder to clean/dry and remove odors!!! Although those in AL are a bit more aware of the need to go, accidents happen and who would know when that time comes that one cannot control it so well anymore!
The elevator in mom's place (access to regular AL, downstairs to MC, kitchen and 3rd floor (not sure what's up there, maybe more AL or IL?) has a hard surface floor, much easier to clean up!
(You do want a Doctor to look into the problems first though!)
I was amazed how much the nurse said was accepted - well that's experience for ya! Good ole no-nonsence practical choices - denial was not an option. Having someone to discuss it without embarresment the trick - she'd seen it all before.
Hope you have a similar clinic, or resource. Good luck.
Relative now happy in more absorbant pullup style.
Pull up pants are as close to usual underwear as you'll get - so apart apart from being slightly more bulky - it will seem more normal for your mum to use.
**Best way is to start by replacing her normal pants with the pull ups whilst keeping a pack in the bathroom too. Removes the option of “forgetting” and putting her old ones on ... **
Best of luck - been there several times - hence the best way part... !
I finally placed a pea pod mat at the site and it saved me a lot of work. There were other times and recurring places that I applied the same strategy.
This usually happened when her underwear was full and overflowed or she may have removed them after going to bed.