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My mum says things that I know cannot be true! She is in a Nursing Home with dementia and I have witnessed my mum being verbally and physically abusive! Later she tells me they HIT HER! She is confused! I have learnt to have more discernment but I do visit her every day and check she has all her needs!
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People suffering from dementia aren't going to be able to keep the lies straight, even if it is deemed an untruth. Their fabricated stories are just that-untruths because of their outrageous factor.
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Thank you mom2mom. My mother was in rehab for a few weeks. I was going to visit her on my way home everyday. One afternoon, one of the nurses asked me if she could speak to me. She mentioned that my Mom had been telling the staff that her daughter(me) and my husband had told her Doctor to give her a shot to kill her. She has also told other family members that I am abusive and that I steal from her on a daily basis. Up until that point no one wanted to evaluate her for dementia. They finally gave in and did their job when she started telling the ER doc that she had fallen at home because I was practicing voodoo on her.
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Koko12: Wow....I'm sorry that her mind thinks voodoo is beng practiced on her.
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.... just curious how there are so many responses from only two, very vague, very unimforming sentences from the poster.
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There's an outline on the OP's profile, Tired. Plus, the subject hits a nerve: how to be sure your loved one is safe when you can't be sure her own account is reliable.
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.. Thanks Country mouse, ... but hold on what you're telling me is there are more parts to the stories or these posts that people post, on their own profile page?...
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Report you have to go back to the person's profile page to read in depth about the short little sentence they posted out on the forum?? I don't get it... or are you telling me that everyone can go get more information off of the posters own profile info even tho the poster only "posted specific words… Because if that's the case then why ask a question at all but rather just say something like "go to my page and talk about everything and anything that's on it" ...not trying to change a subject here, but I'm A little confused at the thought of an "op (original poster) can type only a few words… And then all of you race to their profile page to start gathering collected information in order to go back and then respond on their posted question ?....
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... But back to the subject at hand… I am going to say something regarding a few of the comments that I'm reading here about our elders who suffer dementia and the things they say. Each sufferer can own very different levels and degrees of dementia… For instance, some dementia sufferers, their minds might take them into a story book type of reality from where they are pulling the information from in their brain, somewhere in the depths of their life and their memory, experiences that include reality, thoughts, visuals, even perhaps scenes from a movie that they've seen… But in no way just because a person suffers dementia are you to not believe what they are saying if what they are saying sounds at all plausible...and, even if it doesn't. Another thing to mention, suffers can and do tell the truth in "stages and/or "Thru a story" if you will, even in segments that may come to them in short spurts during days or weeks. I'll give you an example; my mother suffers from dementia, one of the every day stories she was telling me that would not cease, and I would constantly reassure her never happened that she is safe and to try to relax about… First story was this, that a man would come into her apartment, lay her on a metal table, turn a very bright light on,and put wires in her legs and that she could feel them ... for a couple months I thought she was crazy… Until ... while discussing with her doctor this very odd story and he was beginning to think her dementia had gone to another level… Which would've been on her records if I had not suddenly remembered she had a heart catheter test where they ran the dye through her leg and it was naturally done in the surgical room. The doc supported the story of that being done while one of her stays in the hospital.  And believe it or not as soon as she knew I believed her that particular story ended… so again, although the stories may have added color texture or strange visuals… I believe there's some truth to a lot of let many dementia suffers say… You just have to take the time to find and pull the truth out of the discombobulated accounts, if you wish to.
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… "Please forgive any typos or incorrect word placement for I am voice texting… Thank you
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