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Sendme2help, because Canada is a polite country.
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Sendme2help -- "The real issue is, how do we get to Canada?" Well, from here in Minnesota I'd just get in my car and head north. Couldn't miss it if I tried. Could you figure out how to get to Minnesota? Maybe we could carpool.

For me, it wouldn't even be much of a change of climate. :)
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I think rather than building a wall to keep Mexicans out everyone should gather together and build a big wall around Donald Trump so he can't get anywhere.
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Maybe a DVD player with a multi-disk-changer? The news compounded my mother's distress because she used to be very active in good causes. So now she was hearing the bad news, but could do nothing about it. Yes, Netflix would be good. I also made playlists on Youtube, that could last several hours. Choirs singing, GNN Good News Network, and Good News Broadcast, TED talks, old TV shows, magicians, comedians, and best of all -- BABIES LAUGHING! Those are all on Youtube.
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Canada, take the I-5 North from L.A.
Jeanne, we can pick you up in the spring if you bake the valentine cake.
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Gershun, That thought ---read it posted similiarly by Windyridge. It is a unique idea-never heard of the concept- has it been on a t.v. show or something? Don't think there should be a problem if passing a physical is req'd-the psyche exam would be tough to pass and not be locked up instead.
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Are you sure they are that polite in Canada, Jeanne? Are they gonna let us in?
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Whenever I've been in Canada, Sendme, they have been extremely polite and welcoming -- especially if I was spending money, but when I wasn't. So, yeah, I'd give it a whirl.
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I just love polite and welcoming people. Will be practicing my smile, and my driving. Thank you.
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I find the news to be depressing myself and then in between the commercials that seem to play on our fears of falling, illness, bankruptcy, starving children and animals, tax problems, warts, hemorhoids, etc. etc. I could scream but use that button on the remote to silence the doomsday howling that seems to be so prevalent anymore. No wonder people have so much anxiety as we are always told what could go wrong at the drop of a hat! Whatever happened to non threatening commercials for coffee, Jello, shampoo that makes our hair smell terrific, or aftershave?
I began setting Mom's TV on retro channels with the old great shows, food channel, PBS, anything nice. Still those anxiety inducing commercials creep in but at least the main subject matter is better than the news. Maybe you could ween Mom off the news and onto other shows that she will end up liking.
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I agree about the advertising especially, Katie - ever since the rules were relaxed on what products could be shown on TV, it's gone from bad to worse. There I am trying to enjoy my regular crime drama, and in the breaks I'm warned about stress incontinence, thrush, erectile dysfunction, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea and menstrual leakage - I feel my shoulders slump a little more with every ad.
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Maybe something comical between Trump and Palin - if she's awake when comedians come on the tube. Animal Channel and National Geographic are good too. Recently I noticed reruns of the old Archie & Edith series - my parents used to laugh about them. A dose of humor to counteract the politics and some scenic creatures and places help round out the agenda. I'd develop an agenda of old style "PG approved" programs and not announce this plan of action.
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All great ideas but I thought the child block for the channels was especially good.
Hobbies are always a good way for me to get away from the tv, even a jigsaw puzzle if she is able, or an audiobook.

I'm in my mid sixties and I do the same thing! I am obsessed with CNN and watch it for hours a day then text with my 70 year old cousin about what a nightmare Trump is. I don't mean to take away from seriousness of the poster's problem with her mom but this thread is one of the best laughs I've had since I saw Sarah Palin trying to give her speech last night. lol

I wish you the best of luck with your mother as I know how stressful the constant doom and gloom can be, especially on the fox channels.
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I too want to thank momscaregiver1 as to her posting. It is serious, yet open for lots of suggestions that both address the issue and inject a little humor as to this TV problem. If your mom likes any kind of music, it can be a good diversion - You can create your own playlist by copying cd music to a computer music program at little to no cost. Lots of elders enjoy music from their own eras. It's usually suitable for a younger crowd - if any do happen to be in the house at any time. There are computer sites that you can open up and choose what music you want to stream as well. We've done that and Mom really enjoyed the diversion from the remote control.
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SingingWay makes an interesting observation about being active. Perhaps that's one of the depressing, pervasive feelings about the negative emphasis, over and over and over, is that we're all at the mercy of people with assault rifles, floods, tornadoes, and more.

I do think though that good works helps balance that because helping others has been proven to be rewarding to individuals. So what can MomsCaregiver do from home?

MC, if your mother's mobility is limited to home, one thing she can do is send cards to the troops. I did that during the first Gulf War. These days we get plenty of free cards from charities. If she has arthritis in her hands, you can address the envelopes or print labels. Mom can think up different things to write about supporting the troops, words of cheer.

I believe these days that there are groups that will collect the cards and send them en masse to troops in country. A bit of online searching can help locate those groups.

There are also volunteer opportunities at food pantries, thrift shops, some hospitals in gift shops, senior centers. If she can travel by car, you could accompany her to help her get acquainted; provide support so she's not alone as she gets acquainted with others.

Eventually, there may be vans that pick up volunteers so she could ride with her new acquaintances. I see mobility/paratransit vans at the senior center on a regular basis.

Other groups make quilts for donation to NICU, animal shelters, and troops. You don't have to be an experienced quilter and from what I've read steps can be divided so your mother can do some assembly but not the quilting if she has trouble with tiny stitches. Or maybe she could help sort fabric.

Senior centers rely on volunteers to deliver meals; perhaps she could go a few days a week to help assemble the meals for others to deliver.

Hospitals sometimes needs volunteers to staff gift shops.

If she can get there and sit down while she's working, she might enjoy the social interaction.

I think the thing is to get her in an environment where she can socialize - unless the people are really obnoxious, that will help her refocus on positive issues.

Katie, I think the negativity is intended to scare us so we become addicted to watching more of the negative programs in hopes of a positive solution. On the other hand, perhaps more people are interested in that than in good works.

When you think about it, previous generations were in many ways at much more risk than we are, in some areas. We now have tornado sirens, 24/7 weather predictions, handheld devices that keep us up to date on inclement weather, whereas decades ago these early warning devices weren't available.

I always remember some of those old movies where a woman is outside hanging clothes, happens to see a funnel cloud, rushes home, gathers the family and heads for the tornado shelter. We don't even have to watch the skies to know about approaching inclement weather.
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Panny, did Palin happen to address the fact that her son was arrested for domestic violence? I'm sure Trump won't be as thrilled with her endorsement as she may think it's worth.

Houseplant, you've reminded me that some of the cable lineups also have music channels, ranging from racket a/k/a music to beautifully soothing mood or classical music. That would be good background for MomsCaregiver's mother to listen to if MC can find other projects for her to do.

CM, you are just too funny! How about those Victoria's Secret commercials when models slink around in their expensive underwear? The idea that someone is going to parade around in high heels in underwear is just so ridiculous.
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Oddly enough the American election is having me in stitches. Donald Trump was pictured next to Sarah Palin today in one news programme. Now Mums a little bit out of it shall we say and she is avidly watching the news.....Wassup says I because something is not quite right by the look on her face. Well she said I know those two aren't married, he would never marry a strumpet. Erm Mum they aren't married.....I know ..... George Pattons been dead for years. Hmmmmmmmmmm whistles and goes to make a cup of tea. Clearly her hearing and eyesight are going
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Well CM he certainly looked very pleased as he stood beside her while she spoke.
There has to be something in it for both of them. No interest to me I can't vote.
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Ah but was it really her or her promo double Veronica!? and why does he have Staceys Chihuahua on his head? Cant he afford a hat?
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Poor Charlie-girl! That is why no recent photos, Stacey is selling her hair to donald?
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If ever there was a faked smile, it was at that moment, standing next to palin.
Or, was it her double? Tina Faye?
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Get rid of your TV. Cable is expensive so you'll save a lot of money. Listen to radio, which is much, much less depressing. You can live without television. I agree with whoever suggested Netflix. You can control movies. You can choose uplifting movies or classics or whatever. Your mother is turning into a zombie watching TV. That's why pediatricians don't want young children to watch it. We don't have cable and we get our news from the newspaper and radio. It takes some getting used to but when you think about how many commercials you're watching, you're paying to be advertised to to death. Plus, if you get rid of cable then you control what you watch and when you watch it. My FIL is addicted to FOX News also but because my inlaws live in independent living there's nothing I can do about it but I do ask him to turn that crap off when I'm there. My FIL is addicted to bad news and it sounds like your mother may be as well.
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momscaregiver1, if your Mom speaks only English, try changing the language over to Spanish when she's not looking.

The other day my Dad was watching football, some how Dad hit the Spanish language and I actually found the football announcers much more passionate about the game then that of the English speaking announcers :)
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Hi GardenArtist,

I believe she spoke about the domestic violence in yesterday's speech. I heard a sound bite on my local news where she said her son has PTSD and has come home a more hardened person. I don't know if she said more about it but I doubt it.
I'm not sure how much it will bother Trump to be honest. Her evangelical following will probably have sympathy for her as they did when her daughter gave birth out of wedlock. I think they are just two reality show personalities and the thought of either of them running this country is frightening....but funny to watch. Saturday Night Live should be a hoot from now on.

I'm sorry to take the thread off course everyone.

I love your idea of good works. I used to crochet blankets for shelter animals and make dog collars for rescues. I have neuropathy and arthritis now & I can't do that kind of work very often so I bought a loom to try to make rugs for the dogs to sleep on. Doing things for others is such a gift to oneself. I think sometimes it's the best medicine.
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Panny, thanks for the response. I did read this morning that one of the Veterans' organization is disturbed because Palin blamed Obama for a "lack of respect for veterans", despite the fact that her son served when one of the Bushes was in power. The lack of respect for Veterans goes way back to the Vietnam Era, if not further.

I think your observation that she and Trump are reality show personalities is very insightful. Neither were or are serious candidates - they just don't have the background, any more than someone like Martha Stewart would.

I think they're also way out of their league. Can you imagine if more reality show personalities decided to run for office? Can you imagine one of the Duck Dynasty or Duggars or that Honey Boo-boo running for office?

I admire your perseverance and adaptability, switching from crocheting to weaving to continue your charitable works. You're an inspiration!

Just a you have a serger? Charities have been sending these thin fleece blankets out with their solicitations. Although they don't provide much warmth individually, I've found that underneath a quilt they really increase the warmth level.

All that's needed for the fleece is to be serged around the edges. But it would involve tying off the threads.

Still, I think it's laudable that you've moved from one craft to another to continue your charitable efforts.
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I have the same problem and just wanted to say I understand the frustration you are dealing with. I truly feel your pain. I try to change the subject and distract her with something, but she always comes back to news issues and especially the up coming election. I have also just posted for help on this issue.
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I agree Spanish speaking TV sports announcers give the game an extra zing! If Mom won't view the Spanish presentations, she needs a break from the Palin-Trump/political/negative advertising regimen. Trump's also needs to at least get his Corinthians reference straight if he's going to blabber on the world stage about faith and liberty. I hope my mom is now laughing at him from above.

My mom was talking before she died and said Trump is always in the news because he "vents for America". (So politically incorrect it gets peoples attention). I told her if Trump wants to vent for America, then vent about the Social Security and aging of America. He has been silent on these timely issues. So Trump only deserves a limited amount of the public's attention. Your mom deserves something less stressful in her later years.

If your mom has large windows in her living or family rooms, consider a bird feeder. A few blue jays and squirrels competing for the seed is so fun to observe. Birds align themselves to your routine to a great extent. If they learn there will be seeds and peanuts window-side or in a specific yard space, they will visit. Some birds, such as disappointed blue jays, will actually let you know if they arrive and no peanuts are at the feeding station. Buying unsalted, in-the-shell peanuts is easiest and the least messy. (Sore peanuts in a closed plastic container). Birds usually take the peanuts in their beaks and fly away to eat or store for later. If younger family is around, birds appeal to all age groups and can even be a group project.
If it's set up properly, the feeding area will not require a lot of upkeep. Some cleanup is needed, but not a whole lot. If doves are in the area, set up a hanger-type feeder that accommodates the smaller and more agile birds. This serves to exclude large, messy doves or raven or crows. Hummingbird feeders outside a window is another fun idea.
There are many books as well as free information online about how to make the birds a part of your household. Since it requires a little planning, it's a way to engage her mind in something besides the TV.
Hummingbirds can be a good project for kids as well. There are citizen observation programs online for tracking the hummingbird migration. Scientists actually use the citizen observations to augment their studies. So, the citizen program can divert kids away from the TV as well. (A good child-grandma project for the more computer literate youngsters to engage grandparents).

I think all age groups have been flooded with bad politics/violence/ads on TV and can benefit from alternate activities. Especially activities that, if more than one generation is together, everyone can join in the activity if desired.

momscaregiver1 really deserves a prize for starting this discussion!
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Bird feeders is a fine idea for anyone not just the elderly and sick.
maybe if the Donald comes to visit they will find somewhere to nest.
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Veronica, that's just too funny! Anyone remember Carmen Miranda with her massive hair pieces piled with fruit? She was amusing, and entertaining. Donald with birds in his hair....well, that's appropriate for a good chuckle.

As to bird feeders though, make absolutely sure that there's a squirrel proof saucer to keep the squirrels from raiding the bird seed. And make sure the feeder is far enough from the house that they can't leap onto it.
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Block the channel, you can delete/add by going to menu on your remote.
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