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Well, my mother lives in MC, she is very active, attends activities, goes on bus trips and has made new friends. She is 98, been there for almost 4 years and loves it, she is no longer isolated, she is independent.

My stepmother is in MC, declining at a rapid pace, yes, she has no independence as she does not have the mental capacity to care for herself. She is well cared for and independence means nothing to her.

I look at both situations the same way, it is no longer what they want, it is what they need.

Not making an informed decision is not the answer, that is why you are all anxious and stressed. Why not tour some facilities and see what actually goes on.

Don't super impose your analysis of what she is missing on her and if she has dementia her thoughts are not rational in the first place.

Good Luck!
Helpful Answer (11)
MeDolly Nov 1, 2023 mother lives in AL. My typo!
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