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What did that reference re Trump at Wharton have to do with your problems?
I read your post three times. I find that you are overbearing, dramatic and controlling. You bragged about your husbands and your smarts. Your kids have more smarts!
Your children have told you that
their kids can no longer car ride with you and Gramps. Respect that. They are doing what a parent does- protect their kids!
You mentioned you see them often. Be happy and grateful you see them at all.
Enjoy whatever time you spend with your children and grandchildren. No one is promised tomorrow!
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kdcm1011 Dec 2019
I agree with all you wrote.
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Has the OP been back?
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NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2019
Don’t think so.
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it is probably not a good idea for him to drive the children around. Your adult children are scared for their children's safety. I know your pain. I don't think you are overbearing at all. I think you are seeing too much of your kids. You should go out into the world and build a life for yourselves, minus your children. Let them come to you when they want to, if they want to. There are plenty of people out there who need you.
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What does Donald Trump has to do with this? Leave the POTUS alone. Im so tired of the bashing and bullying. Its so ignorant....ijs
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LoopyLoo Dec 2019
Agreed, he’s not the point of the issue here. Carry on.
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Just sounds like everyday problems 99% families have...however, the important thing is YOU see a difference in hubby & only you can do something about it. For example, take him to Neurologist. Don’t let him drive. You can’t control other members of family. If you’re concerned, as long as hubby will be retiring & home more, the good news is you have time to plan for your future. You make time to see Elder law Atty . Get Wills , POA & Health proxies in order. Good luck & hugs 🤗
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My husband had dementia along with cancer, I did not allow him to drive, he agreed. We would pick up the grandchildren and take them out for the day, he was were never left alone with the grands. They did not stay overnight, as I could not secure everything 24/7. Initially, I had a meeting with his children explained what was going on and we came to that agreement, as long as I was there and driving, we were good.

I understand your children's concern, you appear to be in denial, he should not be driving at all, let alone with the grands in the car.
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It all boils down to one thing: Grandparents have NO say whatsoever when it comes to how often they can see their grandkids. None.

Get used to it, no matter how well educated and otherwise wonderful either of you are.
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There are many grandparent's support groups, maybe near you.
I do not know what the focus of the groups are, hopefully not just complaining about not seeing their grandchildren. It would be nice to have others in your situation to identify with, but to also make a happy productive life including activities with your group.

On another note, there are grandparents who do need to organize and meet together for information when they have been given foster custody of their grandchildren via CPS (Child Protective Services). It is a corrupt system in which many blood related family members have had to fight the system to save their grandchild from adoption by strangers, often taking years!
Those grandparent groups become activists fighting a corrupt system and fighting for the best home for their grandchildren.

I don't think this is off-topic because grandparents do have a great concern for their grandchildren, with very few legal rights even when the children are with an intact mother and father.
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