My father is on hospice in Kansas And I Live Out Of State. He has been living alone, but can't be alone any longer. There is a will and all the finances are set. I am on FMLA to be here to take care of him. To qualify for financial help as a caregiver I assume it requires my father to have less than a certain amount financially? This is all new to me, but I've got bills to pay and I'm unsure how to keep from losing everything while taking care of my father. Hospice doesn't have 24 hour care, they come once a day and at this point twice a week. I have brothers that have come to visit, stepsisters that are incredibly helpful and my aunt comes to visit when she can. Right now I'm the only one here and it's very hard. My father will not leave his home and I don't blame him. He is not able to function well enough to be by himself though. What do people do in this situation? I've got bills to pay and I really don't know what to do. This is a very hard place to be emotionally and financially. Does anyone have advice? Contact information for help with maybe counceling, financial things or anything anyone has found helpful? My father has metastatic cancer. It is aggressive and spreading fast. It's in his right lung, neck, clavicle area and head. He is confused at times with hallucinations and the cancer is quite possibly in his brain. He's had several falls and needs help with activities of daily living. Thank you for any help.