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Seems like a pacemaker is a new protocol for anyone over 90 and hospitalized. When my mother was hospitalized a year ago the hospitalist offered us one for no apparent reason. I laughed at the suggestion and said no thanks, we won’t be doing that.
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Geaton777 Sep 2023
They wouldn't recommend it for no reason. What was your Mother hospitalized for?
Do people in her family live very long? My father was given a pacemaker at 90 and the doctor said it would last 10 years and my father asked it he could guarantee that he would live 10 years. Dad live another 5- not the happiest of years.
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Ask the doctor over the phone to thoroughly explain why she needs a pacemaker and the consequences of not having one. Since she lives alone at home, ask her doctor if it is time for her to live with others. If so, work with the case manager or social worker to help her to have more people in her life: by family and friends, from home health care, or moving to a residential facility.
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