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Your brother in law is a nutter. Rest your mind.
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Your MIL is 94, even if she was in the best of health for a woman her age, her days would be somewhat numbered. You have her in a legitimate care facility and visit her every day.....that is significanty closer and better care than most people get. Many people in facilities rarely get visit and have nobody advocate for then.

You have not neglected nor abused her, he has no basis for a law suit.

He may not like the meds the docs prescribe, is he even a doctor and does he have access to her daily detailed patient info to have an informed opinon. If not, he is just another fool with an uninformed opinion. He can waste his time and money filing suit against the MD, they would just counter sue and spend each other's time and money. The doctors are doing something right if mom is 94 and still breathing!

You have nothing to worry about, instead of causing you stress he should be praising and thanking you for caring for his mother. Let's hope he stays on China, we do not need any more lawsuit threatening fools.

Since he has not told you, Congratulations, you are doing a great job!
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Just about anybody can sue anybody for anything. That doesn't mean they have a good chance of winning. Often these cases are taken by a lawyer on a contingency basis -- they'll take a portion of the award. So most lawyers won't want to take on a case they don't see much chance of winning. If BIL can pay out-of-pocket whether he wins or loses he has a better chance of someone taking his case. That still doesn't mean he'll win.

I think you have nothing to worry about. I take it that he is your spouse's brother? Your spouse should tell him calmly, "We are doing the best we can. I'm sorry you do not approve. You go ahead and take whatever legal action you feel compelled to take."

I know a couple of people who are always threatening to sue someone. Nothing ever comes of it.
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