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Carol, my aunt couldn't bear the thought of placing my uncle. She yhought he'd be lost in memory care. She waited until her children forced the issue after they found out he was beating her black and blue to get the house keys from her.

She finally placed him in a lovely memory care place where he thrived. Dadly, she died of a massive heart attack not long after she placed him. That's my cautionary tale.
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Also if his MoCa score is too low, he may not be accepted into AL but may need to go into memory care instead.
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Carol I suggest finding a location with the memory care unit. It makes all the difference in the world for you and for your husband. It's not just the point of you having a life, but also it's a point of getting help to manage his life. A facility that truly knows how to manage dementia is an extended family. Your time with him will be more valuable and less stressful for both of you. Beginning it will be extremely hard but just rely on resources available.
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I sympathize with how conflicted you feel. Can you perhaps call the Alzheimer's Association near you and get info for a support group near you? What you are dealing with is extremely all consuming. It is a mental stress and can be bad for your health. You can be a calmer, less resentful and better wife if you are not dealing with this 24/7. But you need support of others. I think you considering this move is your gut instinct telling you something.
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Carol, the time to place him is now. The reason? It's affected your health. This is not a competition with others you may know who are caring for gheir elders. Perhaps they are too selfish to give their spouse the gift of a good life at a wellrun AL. Do it now!
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I am very new to this.....actually my first post and I am pretty much in the same situation except I am 78 and my husband is 99 and confused - about the same as yours; mobile with total awareness most of the time. He was hospitalized in Nov. with a severe UTI and they put him in restraints as he tried to remove the Foley. The more they tried to restrain him the more violent he became. Just human nature for a formerly strong, proud person. It broke my heart to hear him begging to be released and I "kind of" vowed then that I could not put him in a NH-I will care for him at home as long as I possibly can. For me he will have to be much, much, much worse before I would take that step so I share your thoughts and concerns.
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You have done so much already. As a 63 yr old nurse, I empathize with those who have given their lives to care giving 24/7. My job ends at my shift. Yours doesn't. You have been committed to his well being for so long that it's difficult to make such a decision. But you have to, dear, for your sanity. We had a saying when I was with EMS, "you have to ensure your own safety/wellbeing before you can help others".
Try it out for a time, maybe 6 months, and make a plan to review the pros / cons afterwards. Expect ups and downs at the beginning, but with time, you will have a better understanding. God bless
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Hi Carol
My situation was very different to yours, as I was taking care of my mum full time. She didn't have memory problems, mainly just general age-related decline, but I too found myself more or less housebound. Mum worried if I went out in case something happened - fire, flood, burglary, anything really. Coupled with a series of falls, this meant that gradually, and to be honest probably without my noticing, I began to cut myself off. I was stressed, resentful, worn down.
Mum moved into an AL facility in September '15. It was hard at first, for both of us, and I visited every day for a couple of months. But now I go once or twice a week. Mum loves it. She's got a better life than when she was here, there's so much going on in the facility, and (very slowly) so have I.
Before, I was so worn down with day to day stuff for Mum that we never did the fun things. Now we do.
Hope that helps a little
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