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put her on hospice. They are very liberal with pain meds
Helpful Answer (3)

It's shameful that doctors would deny your mom the pain relief she needs. They did the same thing to my mom when she went into hospice - only they took all of her pain meds away because the hospice doctor said dementia patients can't feel pain. I appealed on her behalf but lost.

At age 73, I have both bursitis and a frozen shoulder in the same shoulder and it causes unbearable pain. My doctor gave me a steroid injection this past week. While initially it hurt when he gave me the shot and the following day, by the next day I could actually stand the pain. Your mother's doctor shouldn't object to giving her a shot or referring her to someone who can. The shot can last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. If he won't, I would file a complaint or an appeal with her insurance.

There are some CBD creams without THC that also help with the pain but they aren't cheap. If you want a recommendation, send me a message.

Keep fighting for your mom - you are a good daughter!
Helpful Answer (3)
cherokeegrrl54 Jan 2020
This really infuriates me. I hope all these damn drs who say and do this to our loved ones, suffer unbearable pain when they get older and no one will even give them a regular tylenol!!! 😡😡 This is inexcusable!!! And besides, its not an “opioid crisis”, its a fentanyl from china crisis!!! Thats all im gonna say, becauses this situation really pisses me off.
My dad will be 94 in 2 days!! Last April he had a severe case of Bursitis in his upper arm. Very painful. Trouble eating, dressing and loosing his balance. They first gave him the Lidocane patch but also Rx for him to have PT.
I honestly didn't think it would do squat BUT it did!!. He went to outpatient PT 2 X a week for 8 sessions.They gave me exercises for him to follow up at home each day too.( stretchy bands, etc)
While my dad was not happy to do them, I cheerleadered him on. It did take a few months but he has no issues now. I still have him do his few exercises 3X each day, he needs to stay strong to stay with me. ( been here 13 yrs after a stroke)
Good luck with your mom. Susan from Indiana
Helpful Answer (6)

Careful of NSAIDs - in the elderly they can cause stomach bleeds.
Extra-strength Tylenol taken at the same time as the other pain meds can boost the effect of the pain meds.
A cortisone shot can help too, but you can't have those too often.
And yes to seeing an orthopedist. Physical therapy, some massage and strengthening exercises, stay hydrated, ice. Everything a professional athlete would do!
It's worth it, you only get one body for life.
Helpful Answer (2)
Judysai422 Jan 2020
We staggered the Tylenol with the pain meds which seemed to hold off the bulk of the pain til next dose.
IMHO, to deny a person of this age pain medication is unfathomable. Maybe she can see a pain management specialist?
Helpful Answer (4)

I haven't read the responses, so forgive me if mine is repetitive. Bursitis is a very painful condition, and I'm sorry your mother is suffering. It sounds to me like she needs to see a different doctor (not an NP) who is willing to give her more pain meds because you're 94, who gives a flying fig about addiction?! Ridiculous indeed. You just don't want her getting so constipated or disoriented that she either can't have a BM or starts falling a lot.

So, until/unless you can find her more Rx pain meds on a regular as needed basis, I'd alternate ibuprofen with acetominophen, use Lidocaine patches at the area of pain, and also alternate the heating pad with ice packs. Going back & forth between ice and heat seems to help with swelling/nflammation AND pain. When my 93 y/o mother has pain, the patches really DO help her. She uses the Icy/Hot ones while my DH uses the RX Lidocaine ones.

Best of luck. Hope some of the suggestions work
Helpful Answer (5)
crazindahead Jan 2020
Great thorough advice! thanks!
Good for you for being involved. Try educating yourself on pain meds and how they work. Get a doctor on board. Just be giving your Mother a cream or tylenol (or something) will mentally make her feel better. This is the best place for advice!!
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Wow, thanks everyone for your pain management stories, info, and advice. I'm getting educated. 94 years young or old deserves help.
Helpful Answer (1)

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