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A week after my husband received a reminder to come in for a colonoscopy from his gastroenterologist we went in for his routine appointment with his neurologist.

While there I asked him what he thought about it. As we all know that would mean putting my husband through taking an enema, drinking that horrid potion, and dealing with the resulting mess and discomfort for several hours.

In reply the neurologist looked at me with that for-pity's-sake look and said don't put him through that. He wouldn't understand.

I wouldn't want a mammogram. It's still too primitive and painful a device even for a clear thinking lady to endure.
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my2cents Feb 2023
In regard to your own mammo, they have new machines now that are not the old pinch and squish tests. Not bad at all. So you might want to think about doing them again to catch a problem in the early stages when it can be simpler to treat. You can also ask your doctor about doing breast MRI. Lay face down on a table. Not bad at they do a better job of seeing a problem.
We chose to stop them. I would only do it if you are prepared to follow through IF she had cancer..Mastectomies, chemo etc. what’s the point of a diagnosis for something you would not persue?
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How old is she? They say as seniors the cancer grows so slowly you would definitely die of something else first. I agree with most responders here: Don’t put her through it. She is suffering enough.
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