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I would not bother with a mammogram
I also would not do any testing where she would have to be sedated. Sedation can cause a decline.
I honestly would discontinue most "routine" testing.
When my Husband became non compliant at the dentist I stopped routine dental exams/cleanings.
Honestly at this point I would transition her from AL to Memory Care and contact a Hospice and let Hospice be her Medical Team.
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I would not proceed, she has a very serious disease of both the mind and the body.

Lewy Body is one of the worst, why torture the poor woman any more than necessary?

I think I would look for a new doctor, I cannot believe that one would recommend this.

Today it is all about money, no longer what is best for the patient.

Sending support your way!
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Geaton777 Feb 2023
The doctors take an oath to "do no harm" and it's not up to them to decide whether a patient accepts or rejects recommended treatment. They just offer up the options for treatment -- that's their job. It's up to the patients to decide. This is when you ask the doc what they would do if they were in your situation.
Sounds like the time to stop the mammograms is now. If she had cancer with dementia would you put her through chemo again? If the answer is no then there is no point in putting her through the screenings.

We are conditioned to want to fight and do everything we can to stop death but in cases like your MILs she is never going to get better. If she lives long enough she will eventually lose the ability to swallow.

Shame on the doctor who is advising you to take her in for a mammogram knowing her condition.
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