
  • Caregiving Can Change Your Perspective on Your Own Future Care

    Adult children who care for their aging parents take an illuminating (and, at times, unpleasant) look into their own future. Caregivers often vow to make changes to prevent passing the burden of their future care onto their offspring.

  • The Benefits of Learning to Befriend Yourself

    It is important to learn how to be your own best friend and love yourself in order to be there and care for others. Here are some tips to learn to be your own best friend when caring for your elderly loved one.

  • More Than a Caregiver: Re-Define Your Role, Reclaim Your Identity

    We describe ourselves by pointing to the most prominent role we play at any given point in time. For people taking care of an elderly loved one, this role is often caregiver. Here are 5 ways to define yourself by more than a caregiver.

  • National Survey Underscores Need for Eldercare Strategy

    A nationwide survey reveals that most elders are (or expect to be) cared for by their family members. Nearly half of the caregivers surveyed claimed that they would benefit from some outside assistance, researchers found that only 15 percent took advantage of these kinds of programs.

  • Caregiver Olympics: Are You Game?

    Caregivers certainly perform feats worthy of gold medals on a regular basis. Experienced caregivers created a few suggestions for events that should be included in the caregiving version of the Olympic games.

  • Finding and Maintaining Your Personal Space While Caregiving

    Caring for an aging loved one has a way of taking over your life. Learn how scheduling respite time in a dedicated location can help you reclaim your personal space and give you well-deserved peace of mind.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Your Life: Pleasantly Purposeful, Or Dull Drudgery? You Decide

    Losing your life purpose while caring for a loved one is an unfortunately common side effect of being a caregiver. Here are 6 steps you can take to find purpose and meaning in your life.

  • Caregiving: A Legacy To Be Proud Of

    What do you want to be remembered for? The truth is, people want to be remembered for helping others, for making a difference. While it may not feel like it now, caregiving is the ultimate altruistic legacy. Create your legacy to remember.

  • Late Stage Caregiving for Parkinson's

    Tips from veteran Parkinson's caregivers on how to best prepare for the challenges of caregiving during late stage Parkinson's Disease.

  • Renowned Journalist Sam Donaldson on Melanoma and Caregiving

    Sam Donaldson, anchor and reporter for ABC News, shares what his battle with cancer taught him about the importance of caregivers.

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  • Channel Your Inner Optimist to Overcome Caregiver Stress

    Cranky seniors, critical family members and financial strain can make it seem impossible for family caregivers to remain upbeat, but there are ways to maintain a positive outlook despite the challenges that come with caregiving.

  • Practical Tasks That Must Be Addressed at the End of Life

    There are many practical jobs that need to be done at the end of life when caring for your elderly loved one. These tasks both relieve the dying person and support the caregiver.

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  • Who Is Worse Off: People with Alzheimer’s or Their Caregivers?

    A person with Alzheimer's disease faces a life-altering and ultimately terminal disease. However, Alzheimer's caregivers might have it worse than Alzheimer's patients.

  • 11 Handy Smart Phone Apps for Caregivers

    These smart phone applications can help you lower your stress levels, manage your loved one’s medications, improve your memory, and even find something to cook for dinner.

  • A Caregiver’s Guide to the Oms and Asanas of Yoga

    Starting a yoga practice can help maintain the natural connections between your brain, body and breath. Begin your personal journey to achieving physical and mental balance.

  • What’s OK and What’s Not OK When You Are a Caregiver

    Managing stress while caregiving is a hard thing to do and most family caregivers are afraid to ask for help. Here's a caregiving expert's take on what new caregivers should know when you feel the stress of being a caregiver.

  • 5 Tips for Helping Aging Parents Without Taking Over

    Many adult children approach caring for elderly parents in a way that is perceived as overbearing instead of supportive. Use these tips to ensure you’re taking charge without taking over.

  • Journaling for Caregivers: Rediscover Yourself and Reclaim Your Life

    Writing in a journal about your thoughts, feelings and goals can help you make positive changes in your attitude, your health, your care plan and your life.

  • A New Year Calls for a New Attitude Toward Caregiving

    The start of a new year is an excellent time for honest reflection. If caregiving has taken a toll on your emotions and health, it’s time to make some changes. What will you do differently this year to ensure your own well-being while caring for others?

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  • Courtesy of Steve Jobs, A Caregiver’s Commencement Speech

    Even after his death, technology pioneer Steve Jobs has lessons left to teach. These lessons aren't just reserved for business tycoons, caregivers can also benefit from his hard-earned perspective.

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