Alzheimer's & Dementia Care

  • A Kids-Eye View of Alzheimer's

    Adults can learn valuable lessons by listening to what kids have to say about coping with their grandparent's Alzheimer's Disease.

  • How to Explain Alzheimer’s to a Child

    When a senior develops dementia, it impacts their whole family—even the youngest members. Use these tips for talking to kids about Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Common Heart Arrhythmia Increases Dementia Risk

    Heart arrhythmia is linked to dementia risk in seniors. A new study discovers as people age they are more likely to develop atrial fibrillation, a common heart arrhythmia, and dementia.

  • Shrinking Brains and Alzheimer's: The Price for a Long Life?

    Humans have large brains, but they shrink over time--affecting areas associated with Alzheimer's Disease. The same isn't true of our closest primate relatives, chimpanzees. Could that shrinkage be the price we pay for a long life?

  • Dementia Personality Changes: First Signs and Symptoms

    Apathy, depression, and anxiety are some of the personality changes associated with the first signs of dementia.

  • Studies Show How Dementia Risk May Be Lowered

    The number of diagnoses of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia is projected to increase exponentially in the coming decades. Two new studies demonstrate how the risk of developing dementia can be lowered if people take good care of their bodies and minds.

  • Traumatic Brain Injury Could Increase Dementia Risk

    Studies that looked at veterans and retired professional athletes found that those who were more likely to suffer blows to the head that cause traumatic brain injury face an increased risk of dementia.

  • Stress Speeds Up Brain Changes Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

    Recent research suggests that exposure to chronic stress can accelerate the formation of brain plaque bundles associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Bilingual Elders Enjoy Buffer Against Alzheimer’s

    New research indicates that bilingual people have a built-in neurological buffer that helps them more effectively handle the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

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  • Alzheimer’s Caregivers Six Times More Likely to Develop Dementia

    Studies examining how the burdens of caregiving can affect a caregiver have resulted in a disturbing set of findings that link caregiving for people afflicted with Alzheimer's to an increased risk for developing dementia.

  • Can Current Events Help People with Alzheimer’s Remember the Past?

    Music, videos and pictures have been shown to help people with Alzheimer's disease recall bits of their past experiences. Watching current events together might spark long-forgotten, treasured memories.

  • New Guidelines Revolutionize the Way Alzheimer’s is Identified

    New guidelines are changing the way Alzheimer's will be diagnosed in the future. The examination of specific biomarkers is said to help identify the newly-developed pre-clinical stage of the disease.

  • How to Cope With Alzheimer’s Caregiver Burnout

    Use this guide to recognize and prevent Alzheimer’s caregiver burnout, learn about alternative dementia care options, and minimize caregiver stress levels.

  • Managing Dementia Through Redirection and Relearning

    Although it’s common for those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias to occasionally become agitated, angry or aggressive, redirection techniques are an effective method of managing these difficult behaviors.

  • Locator Services for Wandering Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients

    Any Alzheimer's and dementia caregiver is aware of the risk of their loved one wandering. The issue of wandering is one of the most expensive and life-threatening situations in the United States. Public safety workers and emergency response teams recognize this growing problem. Now there are services with tracking devices for families of loved ones that face this risk.

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  • Dementia and Sleep Issues

    Changes to the brain can cause sleep problems in elderly adults with dementia, and sleep loss can further worsen dementia symptoms.

  • Do elders need full-time care as Alzheimer's disease progresses?

    As Alzheimer's disease progresses, your loved one may need more care than you can provide. Your options range from home health care and adult day care, to assisted living and nursing homes with specialized Alzheimer's care units.

  • Coping with the Stigma of Dementia

    How do you deal with the stigma attached to dementia? When a loved one with dementia "acts out" in public, it can draw a great deal of unwanted attention. Dementia caregivers need to make care the priority and try not worry about what others think.

  • How to Choose Respite Care for Dementia Patients

    For caregivers and their loved ones with dementia, respite care is critical. Finding the best type of short-term dementia care depends on a senior’s mental and physical health, the extent of their care team’s support, and their budget.

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  • How to Handle a Loved One With Dementia Asking About Dead Relatives

    Changes in cognition can cause dementia patients to see dead relatives or ask about them as if they’re still alive, creating a delicate situation.

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