
Feb. 7, 2020, issued by Pompeo, SOS

"This week the State Department has facilitated the transportation of nearly 17.8 tons of donated medical supplies to the Chinese people, including masks, gowns, gauze, respirators, and other vital materials. …"

Remember what the federal government's position was about CV in the US on that date?

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Maybe this would be better in the Discussions section?

Um, perhaps the supplies need to be sent to the US hospitals which are operating without proper respirator MASKS right now instead of going off to China? Your article, however, was published in early February.

We don’t get to pick and choose where our posts go...just so everyone knows. We have to post it as a question and then TPTB will move it to the discussion side if they think that’s where it goes :)

Too late the supplies have already been sent.

Obviously it's too late. Just saying what I'm saying b/c my daughter is a front line RN at a hospital caring for covid patients with no N-95 masks available to them. Lots of people here putting their lives on the line for others right now.

Just great.  Thanks for this info, Garden.

My first thought were the words of The Church Lady (Dana Carvey) from late 80s Saturday Night Live, "Well, isn't that special."  lil

Lealonnie, that's my point.  This took place in February.   An insightful assessment might have suggested that supplies by saved for Americans first.   We're really suffering from shortages now, and could use those supplies.

My niece also said her hospital has already run out of supplies as well as the hospital for which your daughter works. 

While I have nothing against Chinese victims of the virus, I would prefer that my niece and other medical personnel are considered priority vs. those in another country.    She's important to me.  I don't know anyone in China. 

Unfortunately, it does sometimes come down to that when crises strike.

Geaton, unless my eyes deceive me (and give my state of mind that's a possibility), this thread is in the Discussion section.  

That was a waste of US taxpayers' $$$ , same as most other foreign aids to corrupt and oppressive regimes. Those supplies end up in the hands of the Communist Chinese officials who then sell them and pocket the money for themselves. Nothing new here folks.

Federal government's position at that time: Trump put a travel ban on China in January. Democrats OPPOSED, and called him fear monger and xenophobia.

GA, unfortunately, hindsight is always 20/20. An 'insightful assessment' would have required a crystal ball.

PB: Thank God for the China travel ban in January, that's all I have to say.

Geaton, this is in the discussion section. Our Governor Cuomo is begging for more money and more help and more supplies in NYC. I worry about my son in NYC everyday. The Governor said it is 10x worse with the corona virus in NYC than California.

Lealonnie, I am so sorry. You must be so worried about your daughter. She is helping so many people and everyone is thankful for her.

Garden, you reckon China's eventually selling it back to the US?  We give to them; they sell it to us? so it costs us double?  That, too, would be "special," and not unexpected.   lil

There's a recent video on YouTube showing a Chinese factory worker laughs as he rubs face masks on his shoe. Now, I don't know if I should use the made-in-China face masks I have at home anymore. I also heard rumors that test kits for coronavirus made-in-China are ineffective, and will give false results.
Disclaimer - I can't vouch for the authenticity of this video or the rumors.

You can click on the link or you can search "China worker laughs as he rubs face masks on shoe" on YouTube.

Polar, I think you should stop listening to rumours from whatever that source is.

The Quality Control will be done in the US. Or do you think they're all going tee-hee-hee about it, too? - they do live on your continent, don't forget.

This has been bugging me, so just a reminder.

When there was a manufacturing quality scandal in China - contaminated baby formula, I think it was, the company tried to cover it up, it was a big deal a few years back - the culprits were quite rightly prosecuted. They weren't fined. They weren't imprisoned. They were hanged.

Now the scandal was on a big scale, lots of babies ill, a small number of deaths; and I for one can't honestly deplore the sanctions. But if ever you think the People's Republic of China doesn't take food standards or reputational damage seriously, think on that.

Obviously I've no idea what was going on with the worker's shoe and the face mask; but I wouldn't be surprised if at the bottom of it is a group of idiotic young men who thought it would be a hilarious joke. If you have a shred of compassion in you, hope their bosses don't watch YouTube.

Lilhelp, I don't really have any insights into whether the Chinese resold supplies the US donated back to us.      To provide an accurate answer, I'd need to review the trade status and all the politics that addressed interruption, tariffs, and more.    The whole trade situation with China was so politicized...who knows?  

But given the severity of their outbreak, I rather suspect that they weren't selling back to us.  Or maybe they sold used masks to us!    Whatever was done was at the behest of the Party, just as the original diagnoses were suppressed and the doctors and other personnel were silenced by Xi Xinping, presumably on behalf of the Party.     

I feel so sorry for the people, trapped in an authoritarian regime, privacy and free speech compromised, and forced to suffer from a deadly pandemic b/c Xi Jinping (and the Party?) wanted the outbreak information suppressed and prevented immediate medical attention.

Polar, YouTube is one of the LAST sources I would rely on.   If you are serious about believing what you see, spend some time studying Niall Ferguson's Network series, third episode, and the control that social media and its founders have established throughout the world.     Do you remember robber barons?   Think in those terms.    $$$$$  and control are guidelines.  

The third episode is very insightful, and revealing.

If YouTube can gain from emotionally incendiary videos, it will.    Please take the time to think about the reason why YouTube would air a video in which someone allegedly degrades  face masks.

CM-no need to worry about the boss seeing the video. YouTube is blocked in China. The Chinese government owns the press and thus controls what their people can see and what they tell the outside world. Outside news are not allowed in China unless it's favorable to and is approved by the government.

We in the West really don't know how things are done there, and how people are brainwashed. If not for those rare videos we would have no glimpse into their world.

Most major airlines had already suspended flights to China prior to the China travel ban announcement on Jan. 31, 2020.

Regarding the Democrats objecting, according to "Fact-Check" it says "Trump is overstating Democratic opposition. None of the party’s congressional leaders and none of the Democratic candidates running for president have directly criticized that decision, though at least two Democrats have."

freqflyer - you have to fact check "Fact-Check". That group is biased, you can't believe their "facts."

",,,none of the Democratic candidates running for president have directly criticized that decision, though at least two Democrats have."

From the horse's mouth, here is a link to a video of Joe Biden criticizing Trump, calling him fear mongering and xenophobia. Scroll down to the video.

Polar, if you want more information on how China manages and controls its population, try to find a PBS program that's airing a special documentary on AI, or read the very long article.    China's surveillance of its population goes way beyond what dystopian novelists predicted years ago, well before the advent of computers.

"In the Age of AI", a PBS documentary that aired in the last month or so.

I can't open the link right now; maybe Putin's hacker thugs are blocking it out and meddling in our Internet transmissions again.   But it's well worth watching.  The third segment of this 3 hour long documentary focuses more on China, and the surveillance tactics it's implemented.  It's very unsettling.

This is a documentary that anyone interested in world affairs and freedom should probably watch:

And as to FF's source for fact checking, she and I vs. you are on different political sides.  FF's been politically active for years, and I would rely on her sources and suggestions.

Since you're not in the same political camp that we are, I think we should drop the issue before it gets hostile.    We each have the option to research, make independent decisions and conclusions, and that's what FF does.       Me too!

BTW, to which fact checking program were you referring when you responded to FF's suggestion?   There are a number of them.

GA- FF's fact checking source said no Democratic presidential opposed the travel ban. My source to prove that statement and her "Fact Check" wrong is the words of the Democratic presidential front runner Joe Biden himself in a video showing him saying those words. My information comes directly from original source, the truth.

As for being in a political camp, I don't care to bring up politics as this forum is not for that, but you yourself always seem to create topics that would lend themselves in politics, and your take on those topics are usually unjust attacks against conservatives.

In this particular thread, your point is that Trump administration gave away medical supplies which we later found out we needed. Do you really think that if Trump knew we needed those, he would purposely gave them away? Really? Trump protects Americans. That is always his core purpose. If he didn't stop people coming IN from China early, there would be more people infected and more people dead. Joe Biden said in a video, he opposed it, had he been the president, that would happen. No doubt.

Back to your creating threads with slanted political views, STOP IT. This is an aging care forum, not a place to push political agenda.

Errata:   For anyone who wants to read the AI article, open it in Edge.    The old IE doesn't seem to be able to handle it.  

The section on China begins with:

"Five: The Surveillance State

It is well worth reading.   And while you're doing so, think of the other totalitarian countries that current exist.

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