
Just read an article about a man with dementia who murdered and then dismembered his wife on thanksgiving.

If your loved one is displaying violent tendencies please place them because they cannot control their behavior.

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Yes absolutely

My mom isn't at that point yet but if/when she is me and my brother are DEFINITELY putting her into a nursing home or Assisted Living so we can untether ourselves!

Sp19690 - I found that story online. In this case, it looks like he didn’t give any warnings. He just snapped…and he wasn’t the one with dementia. Sad, scary story.

I believe this is the story:

That is what led us to place Dad in MC . Best thing we did. He flipped overnight and we could no longer handle him. He was happy in MC until he passed about a month later on hospice.

I read that also. Any violence from a dementia patient - any at all - should be reason for placement. All too often I believe it's overlooked because "We promised we'd never put him in a home," or some such reason. It's so sad.

Yes he was diagnosed with dementia 2 years prior.

Agreed 100%. We just had a post here from a gal who's FIL is displaying 'vulgar' sexual behavior towards her now with Parkinsonian dementia. Same thing: time for placement if that behavior cannot be reeled in with meds.

I heard that this morning too, and immediately thought of this forum and all of the people here struggling with this.

Another news story that saddened me just a few minutes ago was about the Walmart shooting. One of the victims had been a caregiver for both of her parents, then her disabled brother, and was starting to be a caregiver to her fiance's mother. She was set to remarry this year. Can you imagine going through all of that, and finally getting to a point in your life where you're ready to start a life with a partner, only to meet that end?

Maybe she was constantly nagging and he tired of it.

Reminds me of a true story a few years ago where a husband killed his wife because of her constant nagging and he wanted some peace and quiet.

Yes he can be placed and do his activity there, just like a poster who was upset with her husband did, the husband being placed.

Yes! Absolutely place anyone who becomes violent.

I know a family who became terrified of their mother when one day she took a pair of scissors and tried to stab them.

The family called 911 and their mother was taken to the emergency room. From there she went to a facility until her death. They didn’t allow her to return back to their home.

These situations are awful. Violence is the absolute worst but there are many signs that it’s time for placement.

I know people that have removed the knobs on their stove so the parent won’t burn down the house, they remove sharp objects, etc. They behave inappropriately in all kinds of ways.

Or in some cases a parent tries to leave the home and they wonder out into the streets.

It’s all devastating. For some people, they are rational from the get go and it’s easier for them to place their parents. For others, for various reasons it’s a slow process. In the end though, it truly is best for everyone and the sooner they are placed the better it is for everyone.

What a horrific memory for the family left behind to deal with, so sad. A real cautionary tale…

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