
Hi Everyone,

Well it has been awhile. Have to apologize as I haven't been on in quite awhile as so much has happened since I last stopped by.

Well it has been a rough three months since my honey passed. To date I have not been able to take time to grieve since all my time has been taken up on how to survive both emotionally and financially. Not complaining as I have managed to date.

I am now classified as totally and permanently disabled and am training my fur baby as a service dog. My mind says I am 30 but my body says oh no you aren't. I am having to sell my house which in ways is a good thing as I do not want a roommate. For right now I plan on staying in an apt close by and then am looking for a tiny home to put on my brother's property so that I can be close to family. So in many ways it will be a totally fresh start.

I am hanging in there and not giving up. There was no insurance and as we were not married (even common law) no additional social security. Now it is just a matter of selling a lot of things, keeping some and trashing the rest so that when my house sells I will be ready to move.

Never thought this would happen to me as I was main support for us for over 15 years. But I still feel blessed as I have options and a wonderful moral support system from my family though they are a long way away.

Y'all take care and have a great and blessed day. Will write more later.

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Stay strong Dusti! The tiny home thing is big right now, and so great for so many . Good luck with this!

Just wanted to say I am sending much love and many hugs to you and your Fur baby. ❤️❤️

Good to hear from you Dusti. You are positive as always. I hope you have time for your art. Hugs

Dusti, be good to yourself.

A tiny home sounds like a good idea, though I don't think I could do it. I have several friends that would love to try. And if you are disabled how well will a tiny home work for you. Before you make that definite decision check with the planning and zoning office in your brother's jurisdiction to find out if they are permitted. And what about a second residence on his property. You sure wouldn't want to go to the expense of doing this then find out later it is not permitted.

Dusti, it is always refreshing to hear from someone that despite all, keeps a healthy appetite for life and a positive outlook. I think your positivism will pay off! This new stage in your life will be more calmed, more at peace and more about YOU, just as your honey would have wanted to see you. May God bless you, and please never loose sight of His immense love for you! He has carried you through every situation, and He will hold your hand tight now that you are discovering new territories in life. A hug to you and wishes for health, success, smiles and excitement!

Dusti, you have such a positive outlook! I’m sure that will help you greatly in your new “reimagined” life. When you’re out apartment shopping, I would like to kindly suggest that you choose with an eye toward the future. What if the tiny house thing doesn’t pan out? What if you decide that apartment living is great? No lawn to mow, or driveway to shovel. No maintenance to fuss with. More time to paint? I know it’s probably hard not to plan way in advance, but try to make your current life your best one, and don’t just settle for something quick. Look for something you may be happy in long term. Best of luck to you.

I'm glad to read this update from you, Dusti! Downsizing sounds like a great idea, but I too am concerned that the tiny house might be too, well, tiny! For instance, would you be able to do your art in a tiny home? I'm sure these are the sort of things you are thinking about now, the logistics of it.

How wonderful that your dog can be trained to help you!

Keep us updated on your progress, Dusti.

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