
I told him it takes a long time to heal. He is 80 years old. Is He showing signs of dementia? He is very bored. He also broke his glasses Please answer me soon.

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Shirley, how are you? Are you talking to the Social Worker? She may be able to help with his glasses.

You just need to tell him it does take awhile to heal. Thats why he is in Rehab, to make sure he heals completely.

If ur husband is showing signs of Dementia, you may want to ask the Social Worker if he can be evaluated for it. That way you have a definite diagnoses. At his age, too, being under anesthesia for his operation could also effect him for a while.

His glasses, just call his Eye doctor and order a new pair. They should have record of what was ordered before.

If the foot looks bad, have the rehab get his surgeon to look at it. At the very least have the rehab doctor check his foot. Are the rehab nurses not checking his foot.

I had foot surgery (major) 14 weeks ago.

14 WEEKS, and I am just now beginning to walk w/o a limp. Saw my doc yesterday and he said it would be up to a year from surgery date to when I feel 'normal' and capable of long distance walking. I'm only 65--and I did break this ankle pretty badly AND left it w/o proper care for 4 years (in fairness, I had cancer (18+ months of treatment) in the past 4 years, shingles (3 months) and then covid hit and nobody was really taking new patients.

I am on a food supplement that helps with bone growth. I also use and ultrasound machine to stimulate bone growth. The older we get, the slower we heal. I am not doing rehab outside of my home and I have exercises I do when I sit down for a minute.

I am really, really glad I did not know it would take this long. I have been beyond depressed and unhappy with the length of time I am taking to heal. We have a home with a ton of stairs and I was not able to go up and down like I was used to.

Ask your DH's doc is some of these things would help. I did bump up the amount of protein I ate and also took supplements (zinc, magnesium, Vit E and Vit C) for 6 weeks, then started the bone growth supplements.

Everyone's journey through rehab is their own. I am normally very active and literally SITTING with my foot elevated for 6 weeks almost drove me round the bend.

Get him some new glasses as soon as you can. Not being able to see the TV probably is frustrating. I am not a TV watcher, so I read and crafted from wherever I was stuck on a given day.

Yep, the older we get, the longer to heal. You do NOT want him up before that good bone growth has happened or you'll be right back where you started.

I was a 'perfect patient' b/c my surgery cost me $8000 out of pocket and I didn't want to do anything to botch that.

I take it he's in a rehab facility? I am grateful I got to rehab at home.

None of us can tell if he has dementia, but general anesthesia in an 80 yo can take a long time to get out of his system. I wish him (and you!) all the luck in the world.

Vitamin D with vitamin K. We all are deficient in Vitamin D. It's one of the major causes of so many of these new age chronic illnesses, like all autoimmune conditions. Also Calcium.

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