
She wanted to talk about the “Sick” neighbor next door again.
Remember? The redhead???
I shut her down immediately.
Told her stop!!!
We aren’t going back to that.

Now she has clammed up again.....won’t talk to me.

Why do you keep putting me through this?

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Why not just enjoy the time off? Apparently she is "punishing" you. Why not just turn that into a positive and do something you enjoy with the time off.

She can only put you through this if you allow her to. Let her enjoy her sulk and find a good book, a nice walk or a trip to the coffee shop.

Did you ever check my question about whether she might be seeing herself or a picture mirrored in the window with black night behind it?

Please, fill out ur profile. Moms age, aliments ect.

I tried to look at your previous posts. The system here lumps your posts and posts you have replied to together so hard finding info.

The couple I found your Mom suffers from a Dementia. She was in the hospital early in the year where they found blood clots in her lungs. You get no help from siblings.

Mom has a desease that will only get worse. You can no longer reason with her, so don't try. She has a hard time processing what is said to her, so keep it simple. Don't expect her to make decisions. With my Mom, when we went out to eat, I gave her two choices. As her Dementia progressed I just ordered what I knew she liked. Short term makes them forget not long after being told or reminded. It starts out maybe they remember for a day to they don't remember within the next minute.

Believe me, I know its hard to "let it go" and you have a history with this woman. But you have to learn to just let it go. My Mom would ask me something, I would answer and she'd look at me like "what ru talking about". Her mind was already somewhere else. I stopped trying to answer or make a comment. My DH would ask why I wasn't answering her. Because her mind was just going from one thing to another. She didn't even know what she was asking. Maybe get some good ear plugs.

I hope you have POA. You may need to make a decision to place her for your own health. Caregiving is hard and stressful. I am not a Caregiver. It was overwhelming to me. When I took Mom in, I never felt it would be a permanent thing. She had a house and some money. When the house didn't sell I chose to take a chance and put her in AL hoping the house would sell. It didn't so I had to place her in LTC. By that time she was in her last stage. She had no idea where she was.

Since you have no help from siblings, you need to think about you. You deserve a life too.

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