
My mom is only eating soft foods. Gravy texture. I have been using a bullet to puree.

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There is almost nothing that can't be pureed, there is no need for special recipes.

To make foods that are more appealing think in terms of things that are normally served with a soft smooth texture
For Breakfast:
scrambled eggs

soups - pretty much any soup can be whizzed with a blender and thickened if necessary
egg salad/ham salad
custards, both sweet and savoury

potato, sweet potato, squash, rutabaga are all commonly served mashed, but almost any well cooked veg

gravy or cheese sauce adds calories and flavour

polenta with marinara or refried beans

for protein
silken tofu - think of it as an add in
protein powder
dairy - yogurt, kefir, cream cheese or pureed cottage cheese

cakes and cookies can be softened with milk or water and blended into a pudding
apple sauce and other fruit sauces (may be thickened with commercial thickeners)
Helpful Answer (5)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Anything with the texture of soggy bread she pushes out. I have tried oatmeal, even blended she pushes it out with her tongue. Mom does ok though with yogurt made with oats. Chobani sells it. Pudding texture is not to her liking either. Puree needs to be soup texture or out it comes. It was one day she was eating cheerios and bananas, the next pushing it out. Mostly I have been staying with soups, mashed potato with gravy, certain yogurts. Protein 20 drinks, Boost or a combination Boost and Carnation breakfast mix. Thank you for your ideas
My mom’s doctor suggested adding kale to her smoothies and sure enough it blends nicely and doesn’t taste bad she says.

I added protein powder to milk, yogurt and fruit smoothies and with the kale it became a balanced meal!

This was at a time she was refusing to eat and wasn’t experiencing hunger at all. Maybe it can help you too.

Helpful Answer (5)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you
Hummus is a good option. A typical recipe has chickpeas, sesame butter, lemon juice, garlic, sea salt, and sometimes paprika or chili powder. The ingredients are put in a food processor, until it becomes soft. Olive oil is sometimes used instead of sesame butter.
Helpful Answer (5)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
I have some hummus at my house I will try this.
Puddings. Mashed potatos (very creamy type). Ice cream. Jars of Gerber's fruits. Smoothies. Egg creams. Well-scrambled eggs. Poached eggs. Things she loved, maybe tasty meatloaf, can be pureed. Almost anything can be pureed and if it's tasty the person would probably enjoy it. Soft chocolates. There are so many foods that can be made appetizing and swallowable that it makes me cry to see what's sometimes served in long term care homes.
Helpful Answer (4)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you, I know when she was in the hospital they served the molded puree foods. She wanted nothing to do with them. I would get soup from the cafeteria then ask the nurse for nectar thickened milk and thats what she ate.
I believe pureed eggs is scrambled eggs, white bread, and milk or cream. I think you have to stir the eggs in with the milk in the pan first. There are online recipes.

Rotisserie chicken, white bread, and chicken gravy.

Buttered broccoli and rice.
Buttered cauliflower and rice.
Cod and rice.
Tuna, white bread, and mayonnaise.

I use a Ninja food processor. Bread, rice, and noodles will absorb the liquid so that it's not too thin. I think you can also buy microwaveable mashed vegetables in the frozen section. The Stouffer's tuna casserole, lasagna with meat and sauce, and chicken fettucini alfredo are easy to puree with a 1/4 cup of water.

You can try substituting fiber bread for white bread to help her digestion. I didn't try that, but it would seem to be helpful.
Helpful Answer (4)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you, great ideas to try
My mom loves quiche. It isn't something I grew up on or had ever tried. But you can google 'all recipies easy crustless quiche". Very easy to make. 5 eggs. Muenster Cheese (must be this type of cheese- we request it from the deli section - you will need 1/2 pound, err on more rather than less), also one onion, and 10 oz of spinach. You can used frozen spinach of fresh. We use fresh.

Basically grate the cheese, scramble up the eggs - adding 1/4 tsp salt and 1/8 tsp pepper), combine cheese and eggs.

In the meantime, cut and caramelize the onion.

Blanche the spinach. Drain and remove as much water as possible.

Then add the spinach to the onion (on the stove), mix and let any excess water.cook off.

combine everything together in a big bowl. Then pour into a (sprayed with PAM) pie plate.

Cook at 350 fo 25 minutes. Super easy!!
Helpful Answer (3)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you, Sounds good, for mom I would have to blend after making. Dad would love this though.
my sister loved lamb chops puréed- I would mix some jarred gravy in to make it thinner.
Helpful Answer (3)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you, sounds tasty
You can make her a super nutritious soup.

300g/400g soup
3pitted prunes (aids constipation)
2cubes of prepared and blits then frozen green veg(cook in minimal water for max nutrients and blend in the cooking water spoon into silicone icecube/babyfood trays)
Nutritional shake powder as directed
1sachet of baby fruit puree
2 Tablespoons of protein (meat, beans, lentils, tofu etc)

Blend and serve as a nutrient dense sou)

A recipe I've devised over years in Dementia & Palliative Care working with Dietician guidelines 🖤🌻💪 #nfiniteheart

Helpful Answer (3)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you, I have prunes at my parents house I will try adding these
Dad was a Type 2 diabetic - I made Low Carb, high protein “oopsie rolls” (very soft bread substitute) topped with melted cheese (recipe is on Internet). I used an muffin-top pan to form these before baking. I used 4 ounces cream cheese and 4 eggs to make batch.

Also, creamy warm vanilla custard - whisk well one egg, 4 T heavy whipping cream, couple of Splenda packets in mug and teaspoon of vanilla or DaVinci’s type flavoring. Cook on high in microwave for 1 min, 20 seconds. Turn out into real custard cup and top with nutmeg, cinnamon, maple syrup (I used sugar-free) and top with whipped cream

Another recipe - cheesy scrambled egg - whisk together in mug 1 egg, 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese, 4 tablespoons heavy whipping cream. Microwave high 1 min & 20 seconds. Turn out into bowl or plate and use rubber spatula, fork or whatever to mash/mix into scrambled texture. Add pepper, chopped chives or whatever.

i also did deviled eggs - the Dash egg cooker makes easy hard boiled eggs

Dad also loved Cheesecake Factory cheesecake

Peanut Butter Mousse - stir together (with spoon) in a cup for about one minute or slightly longer - 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 2 packets splenda,, 2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream. Mixture thickens as you stir. Serve in custard cup, add whipped cream if desired. Very rich dessert!

i also prepared thick cream soups and he had a daily glass or two of Metamucil for fiber (relieves constipation and puts end to diarrhea). Follow direction on packaging. Start out with small amount for first few days - see package recommendations. Must drink up fast, as it thickens and can cause choking. My dad was very cooperative on taking Metamucil. Godsend!

Pancakes with butter and syrup are pretty soft, too.

cottage cheese was a favorite
Helpful Answer (3)
janpatsy1 Feb 2020
Thank you you have great recipies. Trying to find different ways is difficult
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Any food can be blended. My friend blended all of her late disabled 4 year old daughter's food as she couldn't eat by mouth.
Helpful Answer (3)
KaleyBug Feb 2020
Thank you, Sorry to hear of the loss of your friends daughter. I am trying this idea. It appears hit or miss.
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