
My uncles Tom had some mental issues all his life. He was an old fashioned guy and had been single all his life. He had a broken back from when he was younger and it healed but it left a big bump. His mental issues were usually brought on by mounting thoughts of people talking about him and depression, but they were treatable. He would usually seek treatment or medicine changes and be back to his home in a few days or a few weeks. I had just talked to my uncle not too long before all this & we had the best conversation. He was the same uncle Tom I knew all my life and I'm 52. Uncle Tom had told me in the past that He had made his deceased brother's ex-wife Joan the executor over his Will. He did not give her power of attorney. Well one day I try to call my uncle Tom to no avail. Some time passes and I get a call from Joan stating that my uncle was giving his money away thru phone scams and its all gone. She say's he wasn't paying his bills. She called the police and said she was his POA (at this Time she was Not). The police report shows she said this though. The police agreed that my uncle should see his doctor and reference his mental health and decision making. My uncle agrees to see his doctor. Joan states on the police report that she is going to take him to the hospital. In which she did. She had him committed. She told me this story: that on the way to the hospital he got a call from one of the phone scammers. At that time she say's "she yelled at him & fought the phone out of his hands and sat on it so he could not use it and he cried like a big baby". My uncle was 79 and could be stubborn, at the time it didn't hit me. She also told me that he had given away large sums of cash almost a year earlier. Well, a little time passed and we would get updates on his health from Joan (it was always the same story: he's curled in the fetal position grieving his money loss). Joan's daughter say's on face book that he didn't understand the money loss & kept telling me he had dementia. My uncle had told me he had Parkinson's. We ask for communication with him. Nope he can't talk with anyone they say. He's still grieving his money loss say's Joan. Emily, Joan's daughter say's she let us know when we can talk to him. Said he can't have visitors, we're not on his contact list. She say's he waves her (Emily) to go away when she goes to see him. She said she would set up a time to talk with him over and over. IT Never happened! They went on vacation at one time. THIS STORY IS TAKING PLACE IN ONLY 5 Months, beginning to end. Well this story started March 22,2018 according to the police report. On September 8,2018 he's dead! I never did ever talk to him again. I never got to ask if the money scam was real? Joan is very persuasive and persistent. My uncle's brother once told my father in a letter dated 2002 that "Tom acts like a 10 year old trapped in an adult body". How easy would it be for this manipulative woman to make my uncle believe something that wasn't true? I find out Emily moved into his house as soon as they got him into the nursing home. I find out he could get visitors. I talk to his priest who said he went to see him & he acted like himself. I talked to a cousin of his this week and she said he was fine but he was crying because he didn't want Joan as his PoA. When this whole thing started I got the feeling something wasn't right. Now I don't know what I can do about it. He died because Joan betrayed him. She took him out of his house just to get it for her daughter. I haven't spoken to Joan since September. I asked her to see his bank records, health records, and I told her I don't believe she did right by my Uncle Tom. I have been buried in this saga morning, noon,& night for 6 months praying on every aspect of it. I went to court to try and remove her as executor. Which didn't go well because I'm very shy. If anyone can help me in this situation please contact me. This did not have to end in uncle Tom's death.

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Are you absolutely certain without a doubt that at some point your uncle did not appoint Joan as his POA? Did you know everything he did? If he had Joan as the executor of his will, it would follow suit that she’d be his POA as well. If this truly bothers you, you’ll need to overcome your shyness and hire and attorney to investigate if any coercion or fraud occurred.

As for the possibility of him being mistreated, not to be harsh, but that’s water under the bridge, so to speak, since he has passed. To continue to be angry and upset about it proves no point now except to promote bad feelings within the family.
Helpful Answer (2)
UncleTomsvoice Feb 2020
Joan's daughter said they were his caregivers. No proof, no papers. My uncle had told me that Joan was his executor and nothing more.  Joan told me she had to get the doctor to sign some papers. When I asked about any of this, they both become very defensive and agitated. I Love these people. I still love them despite what happened. Its not about revenge or getting even. Its about doing what is right.  So many people sell out for the things of this world no matter the cost.  God doesn't care how you bring them to Christ, He just cares that you bring them.  Some people choose a harder row to hoe. It was their choice and they made it. If you see someone harm someone, do you not say anything? What a crazy messed up world that would be.  God is real! Jesus is Lord!
I'm hearing alot of hearsay in this story. What makes you think she wasn't PoA? Because a cousin said so? Elders falling for phone scammers is really common for what it's worth.
Helpful Answer (4)
UncleTomsvoice Feb 2020
Joan told me she was tired of him. She told me she didn't have any power and had to get the doctor to sign some papers for her. She told me all kinds of lame excuses that were all centered around her (69)and her daughter (40) & son (35).  She's just trying to manipulate us because were just rednecks from Michigan and her kids are college graduates.
  I have dates on paperwork that show she tried to perform certain moves to benefit from before anyone was appointed by the court.  My uncle in his Codicil wanted to leave the church $10,000.  She submitted the codicil to the court 8 days after the Will. She had told me she had both documents in hand. She got furious when I requested a copy of the Will (after that the codicil was submitted to the court ?- this would mean taking $10k out of the estate). The Will put My uncle Rick (her deceased ex-husband) as executor, after him it would be my dad (deceased). The Will states if there is not over $60,000 in the estate, the church gets nothing. Hence, the reason for not submitting both documents at once.  And don't tell me she didn't have them both. Her and her daughter had free run of his house and banking for months. They told me they were throwing away his mail when they first got him out of there (that he wrote every date on every piece of mail back a few years), She said her and her daughter were going through all his things. When Joan told me she had the Will & Codicil, she sounded very different on the phone, very unsure of what she was telling me?  Then she only disclosed details from the original Will and said "I don't think the church should get any money".  I don't care how or who reads this. You can't steal from God!  This is her biggest selfish move. There would be plenty of money in the estate if she got a non-biased house appraisal. She wanted her daughter to get the house she stole from my uncle for nothing. You can't live life looking at just earthy views of self gratification. There's is a real God out there. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you will be able to differentiate between good & evil on many levels.  I'm not being self righteous because were all sinners, but lets have some compassion for fellow man (uncle Tom).
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I would see if his estate was probated. The Will will be on file if it has. ExSIL is Executor that doesn't give her the right to move into his house if not left to her.
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UncleTomsvoice Feb 2020
I did get the Will (submitted Sept. 17)& Codicil (submitted Sept. 25)until over a month after my uncles death. She hired a lawyer after I started asking questions. The Will left us (four heirs) everything he had. But two of the heir's are the executor's kids. One took over the house. The executor said his house wasn't worth much & in disrepair and that her daughter was supposed to get it really but he didn't write it down. He had the house completely rebuilt, it took over 15 yrs. to complete. My family & contractor's helped do it, my uncle had another house in a different location. He had only lived in the finished house for four years. He had a 2015 truck that the executor overpaid for and that it wasn't worth much. They tried to get my brother and I to agree to sell the truck right away, before we even seen the Will. The daughter took the truck in for collision estimates before anyone was even appointed executor (Sept.17). After I requested the Will. She took the truck in for another collision estimate (Sept.25)& they added on the price of new front and back bumpers (both collision estimates list the one heir as the owner because she was the one that took it in), why they did all this is beyond me? To devalue the truck? They kept pushing us to agree to sell it right away, saying they had a buyer. We got the truck appraisal from them and it was only for $13,000. Their lawyer said a house appraisal would be coming (this was mid Oct.). We never got the house appraisal until January 10,2020 (after I petitioned to have the executor removed). The house appraisal was low and was dated October 1,2019. We didn't even get the Will until after Oct. 12, 2019. They were plotting their whole plan before we even were aware of anything. I tried to contact the lawyer on several occasions. He would give me vague, no detail answers. The Will had a clause in it that stated after 120 days the executor could sell everything for what she could. I believe if I wouldn't have filed a petition to remove the executor, she would have tried to sell the house for less than the low estimate to the daughter. The lawyer, executor, & heir have been holding a jeep my uncle had (that I said I was interested in) over my head. I told the executor I would like to buy it. She said she was going to get the highest appraisal possible. I told the lawyer in Dec. I would like to purchase it because we rode around in it as kid's with Dad & my 2 Uncle's (the other heir's were never part of the jeep as they were born after my uncle disassembled it). The other heir's agreed to sell my uncles vehicles for the appraised values right away. The lawyer contacted me by phone Dec.19 and told me he would make arrangements for me to get it. He never contacted me again. January 21,20 the lawyer sends me a letter saying the jeep is going to be sold to the highest bidder, but the executor reserves the right to reject bids. There is a lot to this story in detail. It is very manipulating on the executors (Joan), lawyers, & Heirs (Emily) side of the fence. I've dealt with crooked people before, but these are heartless.
    All I can do is pray for them, love them, & hope that they see life is more than just about personal gain.
  May Almighty God Bless You!   Thank you for your reply.
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