
I took in my estranged sister to help her get it together when her son moved his girlfriend and daughter into their home? Her husband was ok with it. My sister could not stand watching her husband ogling the girls so she became estranged from him so I thought I could help her out. Now the nephew was coming to help his mom get an apartment and job for herself. Then he came to help me move his mom and me 1/4 mi to anew condo(my landlord bailed so I bought my own)! he had a huge fight with dad the month we were to moveNow he is here also and I cannot get them out??his girl and her daughter are still back with dad. He says mom (my sister, cannot go back there). I want her out she had enough time to get her act together. My nephew is trying to sell the notion of her being estranged but I believe if my sister want his girl friend out of her house the gravy train for him is over!? How can I get them both out? My sister is showing signs of Alzheimer’s and or dementia. I asked him to help me move because I work full time and now cannot be comfortable with his mom alone she has crashed the car and has injured herself! I want my life back she needs to be back at her own home or in a facility ?! How can I get them out ? He is trying for pOA but he himself is too manic for that and his sister wants nothing much to do with either?their is a larger back story to this. The dad (my sisters husband) has molested a few a local neighborhood children, including my niece! He is in permanent residency arrest and cannot move out of the county! I want to know how I can get them both out! I want my life back and let them sort it all out at their house! They are not divorced just estranged. I know my nephew wants mom out so he can continue conhabitating with his dad footling the bill for them but the fight he had with dad and alsohis girls daughter (which prompted him to leave ) more Han to come help mo I am now convenient for him. But kow with him here he can let me go to work so I can continue paying my mortgage and they can still live here free! Neither work . He needs to be onDisability! He really cannot work!What a mess but I want my life back and live alone again??!

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Your life is like your car.
YOU drive it.

Your post reads like your 'car' is full of about 20 people. You gave them a ride to help out, but now it's time to drop them all off.
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Grandma1954 Sep 2023
I like this analogy...
and in this case it looks like a car wreck!
I guess bottom line is you want everyone out.
If ANYONE has established residency....Done a change of address with the post office, is getting mail in their name delivered to your address, have changed the address on their license or any other "official" change you will have to LEGALLY evict them.
This means going to the court house and filing the proper paperwork and following through on court dates,.

Not sure what the regulations are where you are but many condos (the condo board or HOA) might have something to say about the number of "unrelated people" in the same unit. Or they might have some regulations as to the number of people VS the number of bedrooms that the unit has. Check your HOA by-laws and see if there is a "loophole" there. Then you can just tell everyone that you have received a notice from the Board and they are cracking down and they have to move.
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I really cannot follow all these family dynamics. I am certain your family travails are much too complicated for any Forum of strangers to figure out. I sure wish you good luck going forward.
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againx100 Sep 2023
Yes, I couldn't follow it either.

Does this have anything to do with elder care? If not, there are probably better places to ask for help?
This is too much for me, perhaps a therapist can help you.
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It sounds to me that you want everyone out. First, start with drawing boundaries. It sounds like it is too much and your life is being pushed far on the back burner from all of their drama. It is their drama to deal with. Give them thirty days to leave. Like someone else mentioned, if they've done address changes, you will need to file a court order of eviction.

It took me a lifetime to stop getting involved with family drama. I saw this type of thing happen to my mother. She had her own problems she needed to take care of but kept letting family members and even people who were not related to us but somehow related to my brother move in and stay for weeks and months at a time. I never understood this. My mother didn't work. However, she provided food, lounging and the amenities. I had one aunt (not by marriage Common Law) who would come to visit her husband dragging a bunch of her grandkids with her. The house would be crawling with people. Mom would be stuck cooking and feeding these folks.

Sounds like in your case, its time to evict these folks. As for your sister, she still has a living husband. It is his responsibility since she is still at that address. Let them solve their own issues.
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I still can;t understand the brother and sisters kids angle,, I get it's her sister, and her sister's child, thus the nephew part. where does the brother come in? I am confused!
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Sounds like a high drama mess of deadbeats. I'd try to get the nephew & GF out first. Let Dad pay their way, including his wife (your sister). He is LEGALLY responsible for her, NOT YOU.

File Eviction Notice for your nephew & GF. State on the form they have no money, don't pay rent and have their own problems. NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Helping you move one time doesn't equal free rent, food and utilities for months.

The fact is you are the Homeowner, you pay the mortgage and can kick them out whenever you want. You don't have any signed "Rent Agreement" or "Lease."
Be sure to have the locks changed once you get those 2 out.

Learn your lesson about helping people who don't want to help themselves.
Good Luck!
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