
I have been taking Hydro for many years. I feel so stupid about the addiction.
The pills no longer got me high, but I could not stop. I am happy to say that I never went to Heroin I know many do.
It’s very strange, I have done many drugs growing up in the 60’s and 70’s but never had a problem stopping. Would just not think about taking that drug.
I have been quite a drinker also for years, I can put that down also with no issues. I started Subuxon almost 2 weeks ago, I took only one that day but I swear it never crossed my mind to take any hydro after that. NO SIDE EFFECTS! I know that bSubutex will give you bad withdrawal but I here Subuxon will not do this.
I also have some side effects, or think they are, so I would also like to talk to someone that can let me know what they went through. I can at least say I am so pleased in the difference that I feel. I actually have energy and motivation! I don’t know if you can, but please message me or respond to my post. Thank you!

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Respectfully, this is a question for a different type of forum, and not one about caregiving or care receiving. Can you find a support group online or in your local area? Or at a church? Talk to a therapist to help you find local support.

FYI my adult son's best friend and business partnerr successfully got off heroin through Suboxon. Now he's free of all of it. May you receive the strength you need to be fully released from your addiction.
Helpful Answer (4)
Aveeno Sep 2022
Thank you.
Subutex is an opioid without the psychiatric cancellation drug nalaxone. The suboxon that you’re on has both. The first is for addicts who want or need to maintain. The second is more a way to go cold turkey with mostly only your psyche feeling it as opposed to physiology.
Helpful Answer (3)

Aveeno, good for you moving forward with change.

I don't know anything about any of the meds you mentioned but, I just want to encourage you to keep taking better and better care of yourself and may The Lord give you strength during this journey.
Helpful Answer (2)
Aveeno Sep 2022
Thank you so much!!! I did make a mistake and posted to the wrong category; I use to belong to Alzheimer's when I was taking care of my mom.
I think she is real, and in any case, Caregivers or post caregivers might be even more at risk of substance abuse than the general population. So to me, this was a relevant post worth answering.
Helpful Answer (2)
Aveeno Sep 2022
Thank you PeggySue, yes that is exactly what happened to me. Like I said I have always had an addictive personality. I went through so much with Mom and my family I got to the point that I just did not care anymore, and I just wanted to feel numb or a little happiness. Wrong decision, but at least I am lucky that although I chose wrong when I started taking the drugs at least I did not continue to climb higher with different types of opioids. It did not interfere with my job, but I could tell it was starting to interfere with my home life and I could not stop. I was lucky to have a good friend that knew and had the same issue a while ago, he had found subutex and told me about it. I started taking it about 3 weeks ago and have not taken another pain pill nor have I even wanted one. This is amazing.
I apologize, I use to be on this site while taking care of my mother with Alzheimer's. I posted this but fully intended it to be listed under depression and addiction. I thought I had changed it, but I guess it did not move my posts.

Please let me explain just a little, I have always had an addictive personality. I guess while taking care of my mom it became so down and out that I did turn to Pain medication. I have been desperate to get off of this and found Subutex. so far it has worked wonderful with no side effects. I finally feel free from all the medication and I'm so happy. Although this was a post made by mistake or should i say posted in the wrong category. Please if you know anyone that has an issue tell them about this medication. I have been happier now then in a very long time. I am not making excuses; I do have that addictive personality but caregiving to a loved one is so hard, and I messed up while taking care of my mom. Thank you to those who did answer. I do hope in some way this helped someone.
Helpful Answer (2)
SnoopyLove Sep 2022
So happy to hear of your success with this medication, Aveeno! That is great. I am glad you posted and hope others who might have some experiences with Subutex will chime in. And by sharing your experience you may be planting a seed of hope for someone who is struggling.

I have no hard data on this but I think family caregiving definitely could increase the risk of substance abuse or relapse of a previous issue. For me, wine in the evening = the caregiver's vacation. Thank God I was able to completely cut out alcohol in June 2020. Books like The Easy Way to Stop Drinking and This Naked Mind were key for me to realize I didn't *have* to drink anymore. What a relief to be free!
I am wondering if this is a hack. It shows a profile has been made out and there are 70+ followings but this just seems weird. I agree, not a subject for this forum.
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Isthisrealyreal Sep 2022
I have seem this poster occasionally for years, not a hack.
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