
My 78 year old mother came for a visit in April 2023 with my sister in Tucson, my mother physically abused me when I was little and I ended up in a foster home. Fast forward, she has been at my apartment for the past 5 months and refuses to go back to New York because she says that she was abused by a family member, (I do not believe this story, because she consistently lies. Thursday, I found her unresponsive in my apartment when I got home from work, I called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital. I called the hospital this morning and they told me she was not listed in the hospital, that is not possible, after three hours of calling the hospital I went over there and they would not tell me where she was. I became quite upset, I know she was admitted, fast forward, I just find out that she told the hospital that she was molested by my nephew in New York and she told them she was scared that he was going to get her. He is incarcerated at the moment in New York on separate issues, I live in Oregon. I do not know why she would say that. Anyways, the hospital will not confirm if she is there or where she is, so I do not want her coming back to my apartment because I am concerned about what other lies she is saying. My sister says she will report me for abandonment, how is this abandonment when she is in the hospital. She came for a visit, I do not want to be physically responsible for her anymore. Because of our past history, I do not feel comfortable having her back in my home. My sister was taking care of her in New York and is adamant that she can not come back there.

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Thanks for the updated.
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Great news!
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**update ---The mom was discharged today, and she went to a cousins house who really did not want her either, but they came and got her stuff first and my cousin said she is going to go back to New York. I feel relieved. Thank you everyone, for your advice and support. Chewbug is free!
Helpful Answer (7)
AlvaDeer Sep 2023
Thanks so much for updating us Chew. So few think to do that, and it means a lot to us. Good luck continued for you, I hope.

I hope you will update us when your mother is safely moved out of your sphere and onto greener pastures.
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Thanks for the clarification.
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Child abusers do not deserve to be cared for by the children they abused. Please never allow this woman back into your home.

I always say the only reason child abusers don't continue to abuse children is because there are no longer children in their homes to abuse.

Some then utilize animals as their physical and verbal outlets and abuse them. Then there are the other group who continue to abuse their adult children. This can be verbal or physical depending on the parent and adult child.

Cut off all contact with your mother, sister and the hospital. There is only room on this life raft for you.
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Chewbug602 Sep 2023
I agree, she got dumped on me and because I have a kind heart, I did not know what else to do, she is gone now and I have cut off all contact with everyone. Thank you for your kind advice.
I agree with everyone else. NYC sister is done caregiving and wants you to pick it up. Do not take calls from the hospital. If they do actually get through tell them it is an UNSAFE discharge and you are not the responsible party. Give them the name of the POA. Then go no contact. Keep your doors locked.
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For the records so everyone knows, I am daughter number 1, I am a femaile. I am not a male. My mother abused me when I was little, and I was raised in foster home and had amazing foster parents, with whom I lived with until I graduated high school. I just began speaking to the mom in January 2023. I have text messages from the sister in New York whom we will refer to as Ms. New York - where she is the one that says the Mom can not come back to New York, so if anyone abandoned her, its Ms. New Yorker. I will keep everyone posted, because if the mom was truly abused by our nephew in New York, then why didn't Ms. New York report it first there....she was with her in New York, the mom has been visiting for the past 9 months with relatives in Tennessee, Texas, Arizona and Oregon. So In my opinion if it really happened, then Ms. New York had a duty to report i to New York Authorities. I personally do not believe my nephew did or would do that, I heard a completely different story and believe the story I heard from my nephew, only because the mom is very verbally abusive to everyone due to her dementia, (she always talks vulgar and in sexual overtones as well, I think my nephew told her off and to go blankety blankety...and she is twisting it into something it is not. Regardless, she is not coming back here, to my home I never asked her to pay anything, she cash apps the other sister money for groceries etc. I have taken her to the doctors, missed work and even gave her money when she had none, so I am not the bad person here. I was truly traumatized yesterday when they told me she was not in the hospital, I thought she got up and walked out, and yes after 4 hours of being hysterical asking the hospital staff over and over, you would have thought someone from the hospital would have told me what was going on, it was after I called the police on the hospital that we found out what was going on, that is when I blurted out to the head nurse, since you guys are saying she is not here, do not call me when you are ready to discharge, she is not coming back to my house, the nurse called my sister in New York and told her what I said, and it is my sister that is telling everyone that I kicked her out..... so that is how the whole abandonment accusation came from my sister.
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anonymous1768885 Sep 2023
I am sorry you started talking to your birth mother. You already have an amazing mother and father and certainly do not need your abuser in your life just because you share the same DNA.

Cut off all contact again and keep it that way. You are very lucky your adopted parents are so great because some children get abuser by their biological parents and then their adoptive parents too.

Appreciate what you have and stop looking for a connection with this sick woman who hurt you.

And for the record if you had not given your birth mother money, or took her to the doctor or helped her in anyway you would NOT have been a bad person. So please don't think because you aren't willing to jump back into the vipers pit that you would be bad. You wouldn't be at all and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
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Your sister is wrong. Its not abandonment when she is safely in a hospital. If Mom never received mail at your house, ( a card does not count) and has not set up residency (like her drivers license or ID) then she is only visiting. Do you think maybe sister did this on purpose? Sent Mom to you feeling it was your time to care for her.

Do you know who the Social Worker is talking to in reference to Moms care? If your sister, let her handle it for now. Make Sis and anyone else who asks aware that you will not be taking Mom back to ur home. She was visiting, it was not a permanent thing. That as an abused child and a person who needs to hold down a f/t job, you cannot care for her. Again, she was only visiting. They can evaluate her there for 24/7 care, and if no one is willing to care for her, she can be placed near you. Or Sis picks her up and takes her back to NY and places her there. And like others said, don't believe anyone who says there's help out there. Once you walk her thru those doors, she will be ur responsibility.

Does Mom have a formal diagnoses of Dementia? If not, she needs one. I am surprised when u showed up at the hospital asking about Mom, a SW did not come to talk to you. For no other reason to establish who you were to Mom. At that point it would be established that you were the son not the nephew. You could then explain the nephew thing and tell the SW Mom was visiting from out of State.

Please keep us updated. Your experience may help someone else.
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Deliver her suitcase to the hospital. Do not allow her back into your house. You will almost certainly be contacted by Social Workers or APS. I would not give your own OPINION as to her stories of molestation, as you cannot conceivably know the reality of it. I would tell them that she came to your home from (whereever she came from) and has refused to return to her own home. I would tell them that she cannot stay with YOU wherever she chooses to go as she has been inappropriate, and you do not trust her in your home. I would tell them she has been abusive to you in the past, and that you fear her. Just ham it up however you can. They can put her on a plane back to her home, or to sister. You are not abandoning her. She is not demented (is she?). She is a free agent and free to go to Sister or home or wherever she chooses to go, but she is not free to return to your home. Let APS know you are not her guardian nor her POA and that you want no relationship with her.

Meanwhile STOP contacting that hospital. You do NOT want yourself listed if you can prevent it. If you had to give you name when she was admitted I hope you did only that and said she is visiting from out of town and you have been unable to get her to return to her own home.

Keep the locks LOCKED. When anyone comes say that your mother does not live there. That she lives in (wherever it is) and that she has currently no residence and cannot stay with you. You may need to consider an hour of time with a landlord tenant attorney to find out if your mother can claim residency.
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Chewbug602 Sep 2023
Thank you. I appreciate your input.
It sounds like no one wants to care for abusive, compulsively lying mom. What a shock.

Do not allow her to be released to your home (if she has a key, change the locks).

If the SW calls, give her the name of your sister with POA. Tell the discharge planners that no one is available to care for mom. Do not believe any hogwash about them getting you help. If you allow her back into the house, they've solved THEIR problem, not yours.

If mom shows up in a cab on your doorstep, call 911 and have her taken back to the hospital.
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Slartibartfast Sep 2023
Yep, change the locks. And if she shows up at your doorstep call 911 with her still on the outside of the locked door. 911 can't forcibly remove someone from inside your house for you unless they're assaulting you.
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"My 78 year old mother came for a visit in April 2023 with my sister in Tucson,"

"My sister was taking care of her in New York and is adamant that she can not come back there."

Where does Tucson come in? Does someone live in Tucson? Your mother has been staying with you in OR, and your sister was taking care of your mother in NY. Was your mother living with your sister in NY? ("Taking care of" doesn't have to mean living with.)

Seems like you were never on any HIPAA paperwork for your mother, since they wouldn't speak with you about her. You must be getting your info from your sister in NY, who is on a HIPAA form. Does your sister also have POA/HCPOA?

I agree with the others; don't get involved at this point. Do not call the hospital. They are apparently in contact with your sister, so she can manage everything. Do not take her back into your home for any reason. Don't believe any discharge planner that it would only be "temporarily" and that they will find you help. They won't. Once she is out of the hospital, she is out of sight, out of mind for them.

The abused should not become the caregivers of their abusers.
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Chewbug602 Sep 2023
There are three of us daughters, I am the oldest. I live in both Oregon and Arizona, due to my job I travel a lot between two states. My little sister lives in Tucson, the mom came to visit little sister in Tucson, she is sister no. 3. Sister number no. 2, lives in New York and she was the one that was providing all the care for the Mom, the mom lived in an apartment in New York. I am really just the last person the mom has been to visit, before she got sick on Thursday, she was only visiting me when I was in Arizona, I am going to have to return back Oregon in October. I am an HR director of a large food processing plant in both states, mom only visited me in Arizona. I am so sorry this is confusing for me as well.

The reason they are not speaking to anyone is because the mom apparently told them about the alleged abuse in New York, so basically she PC'd up in the hospital, so when I was calling on Saturday, the hospital acted and told me they did not have her in her system for 4 was horrible, I was extremely upset because I thought they lost her. She is very petite and is under 5 feet, so all kinds of thoughts were going through my mind. Because she PC's up they would not tell me anything, so I called the cops on the hospital, because I wanted answers, after 4 exhausting hours of this BS, I told the Charge nurse, that since they were not telling me she was there, not to call me when she was ready for discharge, because she was not coming back to my house, the charge nurse called sister in NY and told her what I said, I was upset and exhausted, and sister NO. 2 is the one accusing me of abandonment, because of what I said. She is telling everyone that she is going to make a report to the AGs office in AZ that abandoned the mom At this point I do not care what she does. I am going to take everyone's advise and just mind my own business. I am done with this drama.....
You don't have to take anyone into your home. Ever. It is your home, your refuge, your place to be.

Be as adamant as your sister that mom cannot come back to your place. Mom is mentally ill and needs treatment and care. You can't provide it. You don't want to give mom fuel to accuse you of anything. Refusing to house her is not abandonment, and your sister can't do anything to you over this. She's just making noise.

Go no contact, answer no calls (even from family), stay quiet, and go about your business. Refuse to get involved. You owe nothing to your abuser.

Good luck, and stay strong.
Helpful Answer (8)
Chewbug602 Sep 2023
Thank you so much, best advise.
It sounds as though the hospital believes that you may be the nephew who is molesting her (in spite of being in prison). Keep your head down, and don’t explain that this is all lies. At least the story stops them from putting pressure on you to take her back!
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Chewbug602 Sep 2023
No, I am not the nephew, that is absurd, she is really telling people that my nephew whom she raised for a few years did something to her, she has told me that as well. I have done nothing but helped her and have people to back me up, I was distraught for about three hours because they kept saying she was not there, I had no idea that she told them about my nephew, she has dementia, and found out my nephew was released about three months back, and so she always brings it up. I have in no way ever hurt her, but done nothing to help her, and for the record, I am not keeping my head down. But yes you are correct, she will not be coming back here.
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Thank you. That is exactly what I was thinking. Much appreciated.
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Your mother is out of your home, that is good . I would not answer any phone calls from the hospital . Seek advice from an elder care attorney . Hopefully your mother is not telling lies about you .
Do not be alone in a room with her so she can’t accuse you of abuse .
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