
Mom is in West Virginia and on medicare/medicaid. She is severely mentally ill, I'm assuming dementia. I live in Marin County, California. If I get her to California, will her medicaid be accepted? Will they admit her?

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Medicaid cannot be transferred from state to state. She will have to be requalified for California's program. You will need to check on residency qualifications.

Mental health services in the Charleston area are fairly good. Highland Hills has programs for all ages, WVU Mental Health and Psychiatry in Morgantown Is also good and they have cutting edge Alzheimer's research and treatment at the Rockefeller Center. CAMC Memorial Division also has a good mental Health unit.
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Hi OP, here's a list of contacts that you can call for Marin Medi-Cal.

She might have to have a California state ID and/or a place of mail establishing a Marin residence, but these people would be able to tell you for sure.

The Marin Community Foundation also administrates some low-income health resources, so they may be of some assistance in guiding you to facilities that will take on a patient and what is required beforehand.
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Start with does your Mom wish to move here.
Start with knowing that YOU want her here, and are willing to deal with the dreadful mental health system that is endemic in our nation.
I live in San Francisco. Mental health care in California is, in my humble opinion, but as a (long) retired RN, VERY BAD. There is no way to help our mentally ill as the state will NEVER declare them incompetent or in need of guardianship. John Rothmann had a full hour on talk radio discussing Gavin Newsome's new plans. Read political ballyhoo in my opinion and I am a good solid liberal. We do not care for the mentally ill in our state, do not get them guardianship, and claim that is because they have rights. Indeed you will be told "It is not a sign of incompetence to be mentally ill" and they do have a point there. The rights of the citizen will not be taken from them. You would be left with constant 5150s, two day "stablizations," and release to our streets. As to medicaid being popular here or the care good? Nope would be my humble opinion.
I hope others have opinions for you that are better than mine. But overall, the health care is not good, and for anyone with mental illness in the family, abysmally bad. Just my opinion.
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