
my father in now in a nursing home my step sister takes care of my step mother at home both parents are uncapable of making discisions i recieved a letter today requesting i let her take full guardianship over both parents
i am not comfortable giving her full say over my father she lives in the same city and i am 3 hours away she did not inform me about putting him in a nursing home till after the fact and she still has not told me where he is she had my step mother drop me a note with no other info

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I don't know what a court might do in this regard. In general I feel it is best to have one person in charge. If you and stepSis don't agree on what is best for Dad, how would you resolve it?

It is too bad you can't work together in your father's best interest. Be sure that your wishes are presented to the court. At the very least StepSis (if she is appointed guardian) should be directed to keep you informed of Dad's whereabouts and all major events in his life.

Other than the curious lack of communication, do you feel she is looking out for Dad's best interests?
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Is there any reason why you hadn't applied for guardianship for your dad? While they are a married couple, they can each have a separate guardian. How involved have you been in Dad and Stepmom's care before now?

In any case, you should at least attend the guardianship hearing and address the judge with your concerns.
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Hard decision. Does she have any reason to feel like you are just dumping all of the work on her then complaining about her not doing it right (note; not that you ARE doing this, but might she FEEL like that is happening? )
If you are guardian it will be a lot of work. If the two of you are very cooperative you could be the official guardian but work together with her to care for your father (the two of you will have to learn to be good partners real quick for this not to be a nightmare). You could be guardian of his finances and her the guardian of his person the money is the issue .
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