
I also had gotten some backpay and was in the middle of getting more money as soon as I completed some requested medical expense reports. I also served as my Dad's Fiduciary. My Dad just died this month can I still follow through on the paperwork to collect owed backpay to me?

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Very possible. Do a search for "VA Accrued Benefits" and VA Form 21-601.
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I am in the middle of applying for my Mom and am working with a VA counselor. My understanding is that it's like social security....the minute the receipient dies, the payments stop and the back pay would not come if you did not receive it into his account before his death. There IS back pay to the day the application was filed, but only if the recipient is alive when they are ready to cut the check. But to be sure, as others have suggested, look on that VA website or call or visit a counselor to ask that question.
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They do pay retroactive to your filing date but hard to say if they will approve funds for an unfiled claim. Definitely agree, go to a VA regional center and speak with a counselor. They are very nice and know all the options and exceptions. Sorry for your loss.
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I am sorry for your loss, and having to deal with the VA as I have done is no easy task. I doubt since he is expired you will get anything, but you can always try. Contact your local VA regional center to get a counselor or better yet go in person if you are near. Good luck!
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Aid and attendance is a pension that is deposited on the veteran's bank account. My believe is that once the person is deceased, the money ceased.
Here is the link to the Aid and Attendance page on VA site.
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I know that you get back pay with a long term care insurance policy. My dad passed away when we were in the middle of filing a claim and I was able to complete it after his death. Sorry I don't know about the VA's stance on this.
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That would be up to the VA. I did not know they offered back pay.
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