
Looks like mom has another UTI. We did the AZO test strip which indicated she does. We will call for a lab test today. My question is, after getting approval from her ARNP for the D-Mannose, did I read on here NOT to take it until her UTI is cleared? These constant UTI's are tough on her. Then you add the antibiotics and it really throws her gut off. She had another UTI last month and ended up falling.

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From Healthline

"D-mannose is typically used for preventing a UTI in people who have frequent UTIs or for treating an active UTI. It’s important to know which of these you are using it for because the dosage will differ.
The best dose to use isn’t entirely clear, however. For now, only the doses that have been used in research are suggested:

For preventing frequent UTIs: 2 grams once daily, or 1 gram twice daily
For treating an active UTI: 1.5 grams twice daily for 3 days, and then once daily for 10 days; or 1 gram three times daily for 14 days
D-mannose comes in capsules and powders. The form you choose mainly depends on your preference. You might prefer a powder if you don’t like to take bulky capsules or want to avoid the fillers included in some manufacturers’ capsules.
Keep in mind that many products provide 500-milligram capsules. This means that you may need to take two to four capsules to get the desired dose."
Helpful Answer (3)
Summernole Mar 2023
Thank you.
You can take D-Mannose with or without antibiotics. It is a simple supplement that prevents bacteria from adhereing to the wall of the bladder in much the same way that cranberry does, and without the acidity.
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Mar 2023
Good to know.
When Alva first recommended D-Mannose I read up on it and it said for prevention and could be taken to clear it up as Willie posted.
Helpful Answer (2)
Summernole Mar 2023
Thank you.
I have not read that you shouldn't take D-Mannose and antibiotics together.

Ask the APRN about what steps you can take to minimize the gut disturbance-like prebiotic and/or prebiotic.

My mother's gyn prescribed an estrogen cream to help with dryness and a prebiotic called rePhresh. They also seemed to help limit UTIs.
Helpful Answer (1)
JoAnn29 Mar 2023
I am leery with anything with estrogen in it. I asked for help with dryness and my Dr said there really isn't much you can do and told this in ER too. He did give me a sample tube of cream for itching but told me to use it sparingly because of the estrogen.
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