
His Aide always spoke of her finances to my Dad. He at one time complained about her to me. He told me that she did not like it when I came there to his home. That bothered me about her. I always came and visited or took them to the doctor's visits and did their shopping. Even when they had other Home Health Care aides; we exchanged phone numbers in case of emergency. So when I spoke to her confidentially, about bringing up her personal finances to his attention.She denied doing so, and I told her that he told me about needing money for her kids, a divorce and her car repairs. I never spoke to her about her personal life, and I only knew these things because my Dad told me.So she told my Dad that I assaulted her, then called her employer and said, the same thing. I received a phone call from my Dad, very upset & yelling at me.As he threatened to have her call the police on me if I ever came over to his house. I called her employer and they said, that she complained that I assaulted her and they told her to call the police on me if I bothered her again. So I stayed away and called the Veterans for help. No one seemed to give me any help with the company she worked for or her. Her company came out to investigate, and my Dad covered for her. It was a total lie from her, Why would she come between my Dad & I? I have never assaulted anyone in my 57 yrs.After 3 months,she is still working there. He now has neighbors that he lied to about me. I have been accused of stealing from him, he has called family & friends telling them that I have never helped him, and that I am greedy. He has done things that a normal man his age would question. He has caused my Mom to get hurt and fall. He has always been a narcissist, and controlling. My Mom has Parkinson's; and Alzheimer s.She had gone into a deep depression after he moved them away from family in Ca to Missouri 14 yrs ago. I moved back to take care of them in 2008, after my husband passing away. I have since remarried, my Dad has shown anger toward me when I was engaged and remarried and now I live 28 miles away. I have for the past years come to help.When ever he ask for help; I have always been there and if I didn't do as he has asked he has anger issues. He tries to control me like my Mom. I see the issues, and our family doctor thinks he has Alzheimer's disease. I went to get Power of Attorney, and one of my brothers who lives out of state has told him. Our Dad told us that he does not have Alzheimer s and insists there is nothing wrong. He trust people he does not know. He turned his new neighbors against me. They told me that if I come to his home that they would call the police on me. They even went as far as to tell me that they were calling their attorney to get a restraining order on me.

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Dazed, I think you have to figure out what this fight is worth to you. Are you worried about your dad's welfare and him throwing away money needed for his care? Then you or brother will need to seek guardianship. Is it your mom you're worried about? Then get her out of there.

You could simply stay away and, having alerted your brother and APS to what is going on, let the chips fall where they may.

Just make sure it's clear to everyone that when the money has been drained, mom and dad are going to the county home, NOT coming to live with you. That message needs to be strongly delivered to your brother.
Helpful Answer (5)

Yes, get your brother and APS in to visit. But also think about the fact that mom could give you poa for her finances. You could move her to Assisted living, away from all this drama and let Dad do as he pleases. Just make sure you secure mom's money.
Helpful Answer (4)

I work as an advocate and in 85 percent of the cases my company works on involves some sort of undue influence. This is total undue influence. Since you have been pushed out by the caregivers influence having other family members involved is very important. Like I said before no caregiver agency wants to be investigated by adult protective services. They should have moved her immediately when she said you hit her and you said it was not true. I and my team members oversees the care of
caregiving companies and caregivers of our clients. I question the standard of the agency providing his care for not moving her immediately. If you did hit her it's for her safety and if you did not then she is lying. No investigation will really uncover the truth and their reputation is on the line. The agency should be VERY concerned about being associated with type of complaint. There is not a caregiving provider that I work with that would have handled this situation this way.
Helpful Answer (4)

It sounds like the caregiver is after his money. I would make your brother come for a visit immediately, tell him you need help with your parents. He needs to fire that company for you and help you straighten this whole mess out. Two heads are better than one.
Helpful Answer (3)

Phew! - bit of a muddle here. Ok.

You moved to be near your father and mother seven years ago. Could you describe how your relationship with them has developed since then? - I imagine that in the usual way you found yourself gradually doing more and more to support them. Write yourself a kind of report, and you will see that your history contains plenty of factual detail that backs you up as a responsible and reliable person who is in no way abusive to her vulnerable elder parents.

This particular aide has been with them how long, three months? - her track record doesn't really begin to compare, does it. On what basis was she hired, and by whom? Are any other home-based caregivers, helpers or professionals involved in your parents' care?

This sets out the background context to the complaints that are then to be made a) by you and b) by this pest person.

a) Your initial complaint was that the HCA was being unprofessional and inappropriate in her daily conversations with your father, discussing with him personal details of her life that had no place in their working relationship. [Aside, your father really got off on playing two ladies against one another, didn't he? Ooh! Cat fight! They're jealous! Silly, silly man.]

The aide's reaction to your reasonable complaint was defensive and retaliatory. She saw you as making trouble for her, and had no scruples in fighting back dirtily. If it's any consolation I personally find that kind of overreaction to a fairly straightforward request that she confine her conversation to more appropriate topics exasperating; but never mind. The key thing is to see where she's coming from, and that is a position where she felt under attack, and now you know how she behaves when criticised. Badly, is how. Make a note.

b) Her complaint against you is that you physically assaulted her, and that you are abusive towards your vulnerable parent. Can she substantiate either of these complaints? No. She can't. They're bollocks, is what they are. Rest your mind, because…

Your father is nuts. His half of the "two against one" testimony counts for nothing. Similarly, comments from any person whose sources are either your father or the aide are unsubstantiated hearsay and therefore worthless.

But given your father's unreliability and your mother's Alzheimer's Disease, you're not going to get POA - neither of them has the capacity to give it to you, evidently. You and your brother had better cut to the chase and go for guardianship. Discuss between the two of you how you would best manage that in practical terms, then go to a lawyer. Pick your lawyer carefully: you want one who is not excitable or vindictive, but strictly practical and focused on your parents' welfare.

Meanwhile, you and your brother and your parents' GP can collaborate on getting that aide replaced. Given the conflict and upset her presence creates, that in itself is reason enough. The dispute about who did what to whom is not relevant to your parents' daily welfare and can be sorted out separately.

I'm sorry for all the hurt and anxiety you must be feeling. But perhaps bathos will help: the more outrageous this woman's accusations become, and the more extreme the lies being told about you, the closer it all gets to outright absurdity and the point at which friends, neighbours and family will laugh at their stories. People stop believing what they hear when it's ridiculous, you know. No one will think badly of you once the picture is clear. Take comfort.
Helpful Answer (3)

I agree with getting your brother involved. You can also your call county adult protective services line and have them investigate her employer and how they are managing your complaint about her. Her employer should at least move her off caring for your Dad because of your complaint about talking about her finances. They do not want a county entity checking them out.
Helpful Answer (2)

Brother needs to be the one to step in. You're now blacklisted. You have no say. If anything, she and your dad can file a police report on you, have you arrested based on 2 witnesses against one.

You and your brother needs to figure out your dad's monthly income, his normal expenses. What's left after that? How much does he have in the savings/checking account? Does there seem to be an unusual amount of 'spent' money? This is the only way you can know Roughly how much he's giving her. But it will have to be your brother to do all the legwork dealing with your father, the caregiver and her employment.

Unfortunately, I don't think your brother will be there batting for you or your father based by his actions. Or your brother doesn't believe that your father has Alzheimer.

I would write a letter to her employment. State in an Unemotional way the chronological order of events - EVERYTHING. He said, she said, etc... Even if your letter is like a mini-story. Conclude your letter that you have tried to tell them about their employee and their response. Make a copy for yourself. Then mail it to them - as certified. The only thing is, upon receipt of your letter, they might strongly encourage their employee to file a complaint against you.

So, in the end, I strongly recommend that you First find a very good elder law attorney and find out where you stand, what can be done, etc.... Because at the moment, You are the bad guy in everyone's eyes.
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If Dad has Alzheimer's, why would you believe anything he said about the aide? He could have imagined the whole thing. Now he wants you to stay away, mom sides with him and so does brother. YOU WALK AWAY. You cut off contact. You cannot seek POA, you seek Guardianship via court order. Your father, mother and brother will oppose you, in which case the Judge will not appoint you. So save the time and expense and wash your hands of the entire situation. Ignore the phone calls, texts, etc. and cut them off.
Helpful Answer (2)

Well many of you have some views about firing the aide. Unfortunately she was hired by the Veterans Administration thru a Home Health Care agency. I tried to call them about her. They told me that since she called first and complained about me, they told her to call the police on me if I interfere with her working in his home. Since I posted my middle brother has asked my Dad to move back to Calif. and build a home for him and his wife. Funny because two yrs ago he tried to come here to Missouri thinking that he was going to live here for $400 a month for him, his wife and her teen age daughter to live with my parents. In three weeks my Dad kicked all three of them out of the house. He even pulled the air conditioner unit plug and made it miserable for the 3 of them to stay in the guest house. He blamed my sister-in-law for stealing his check book before they left. My brother is alot like our Dad, he expects everyone to do everything for him and he is self centered . I can't expect him to support my older brother and I about getting power of attorney or guardianship. My Dad's General Practitioner, has never ran an inclusive test on him for Alzheimer's. My Dad tells me that he doesn't need me anymore, and I decided to stop the attorney's filing anything. I even stopped calling my Dad and speaking to him. He has stressed me out so much and so has this situation that I decided to walk away. I have too many health issues with ulcers and chronic diarrhea.Sorry about mentioning it, but it has made me stressed and I don't need it after having gone for 10 yrs after having cancer. You know cancer loves stress. I don't need to go through that again. So now I look for answers from those who have gone through this or has some other suggestions. Thank you.
Helpful Answer (2)

GET RID OF HER IMMEDIATELY! ALSO get cameras with microphone! He will start giving her money etc. Her manipulation game will just get worse and she could turn around and accuse your dad of things, steal, etc
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