
My dad has a constant running nose. The doctor has prescribed nasal spray 2x daily. I'm not sure if he uses it or not as he lives in an assisted living apt on his own. Dad has taken to using napkins to wipe his nose. Even worse he reuses the napkins again and again and leaves them lying about to dry out and they lay around everywhere. He actually stacks them. Yes, he has some dementia. Was over today and got rid of them all and told him how unsanitary it is to do that. He acts like he didn't realize they were used. (Lying is one of his issues). What can we do?

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If your dad has unhygienic habits in his own apartment all you can do is wash your hands regularly and vigorously when you're over there. You can pick up the napkins and tissues when you're there but once you're gone there's nothing you can do about it.
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For some reason elderly folks seem to want to reuse tissues repeatedly and save them and/or leave them around. This is a habit that makes me uncomfortable as well.

It's also not uncommon for them to fold up kleenex and tuck them into sweater sleeves or pockets.

I don't think this habit can be broken - it addresses some need which I haven't identified. But I also do have sanitizing gel with me.
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I've noticed that as people age, for whatever reason they seem to become more sensitive to cold and hot foods, either of which can prompt a mini nasal flood. I think though that it's also a matter of health, and perhaps immune system, because my sister experienced an overactive nose issue as she battled cancer, and she was only in her 50s at that time.

And now, as I push another decade milestone, I'm surprised to find that my nose is becoming more active than I would prefer. Fortunately, I do have a lot of material to make handkerchiefs (and a big purse to carry them!).
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Many people get runny noses when they get older. It is just one of those things that happen. What you may want to try is buying a lot of good-sized handkerchiefs and making a little stack of them for him in his favorite place. The handkerchiefs are more efficient than many of the tissues are, so can be used a few times without getting loaded down. Then they can be laundered and reused.

As I get older I am understanding the tissue thing more and more. I should get some handkerchiefs for myself.
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