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Looks like Peacebear asked the same question 20 days ago and I guess didn't get enough information to feel it was resolved:
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Ah. Interesting.
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Ah. Interesting. Ok. So I read the original post. But more details would still be helpful. We all have “super powers” here as caregivers, but ESP isn’t among them, at least not for me.

Peacebear: Does this person have dementia? I mean, been diagnosed by a doctor as having it. Are you related to this person? Is this person physically or verbally abusive to you or others? Are they a danger to themselves? Are you afraid to be around them? How long since they’ve seen their doctor? Meds can help with anger issues. Do you have help with caregiving or is it just you? If not, can you get help?

Ok. I’m out of questions. Anybody else?
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My father is isn't being treated at this time he also has other health issues what I really want to know is how to talk to his heart doctor about what I have been observing ?
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You can make an appointment with the doctor, but be prepared to not get much information. Doctors and their staff are bound by HIPPA or privacy laws. Unless your name is on the HIPPA form as someone the doctor’s office can talk to about your Dad’s health, they are bound by law not to reveal anything. They could be prosecuted if they do and the doctor could lose his/her license. Your only hope of finding out what’s going on is to try to talk with your family.
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