
My mother agreed to a Durable POA here in NJ. Three of us, myself, mother and a witness. We all went to the notary together to sign the documents. Myself and the witness signed in their notary book. We left the notary. Two weeks later my mother was involuntarily admitted into a behavioral hospital by me. They accepted the POA. When I went to her bank to try to access her account by getting another debit card, she misplaced her debit card, i.d and social security card,before being admitted,they denied the POA because the form itself was not signed. The notary didn't remind the three of us to sign before leaving.I went back to the notary to get a copy of the book where my mother,the witness and myself signed. The copy showed where myself and the witness signed but my mother also didn't sign the notary book. They took down her information from her identification,her i.d number but she didn't sign their book either. I have no way of accessing her account to pay her rent for the months of September and October and she has taxes that has to be paid upcoming in November. What can I do?

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Most reputable banks will NOT accept a POA that is simply signed by a notary and the principal and her appointee. The reason for this is that the principal is not thoroughly examined by an attorney to ascertain whether or not she/he is competent to be making out legal papers that take his or her rights to autonomy away.
Banks are exceedingly careful about POA. They are protecting your mother's money. You can imagine that any greedy child may show up with confused parent in tow at any Notary and have that notary look at the parents signature and ID and attest that it IS INDEED the correct signature and ID. That means NOTHING about the parent being of sound mind.
You have now admitted your mom into a "behavioral" hospital, whatever that means. It means either you are questioning her mental acuity or her mentation in some way. That would mean she was likely NOT able to sign a POA at the time she did so.

Sadly you are now down to seeing the attorney that should have been seen at once. So go to your best Elder Law Attorney and ask what options you have now. If your mother is competent to sign POA the attorney can examine her for said competency. If not you are down to asking the courts for conservatorship/guardianship. If you get that it is of the highest fiduciary duty to keep meticulous records (which are required of a POA as well).

Your note to us serves as warning to all those who think to pull a document off the computer, have mom sign before a notary, and think that it means much of anything at all. It doesn't legally where finances are concerned.
Good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer
Jada824 Oct 12, 2024
A lot of attorneys don’t ascertain whether or not a client is competent or if they’re signing under duress
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Hi, I'm just going through the same things now. One thing that will help is if you can go to her Dr. with your POA and maybe your Advance Medical Directive, if you have one, and have the Dr write a letter of incapacitation. Then take that letter and your POA to the bank and ask them to start the process of adding you as an authorized user to your moms accounts. It's been my experience that the POA is not a magic wand, but is instead a conversation starter with any kind of financial institution (bank or insurance) and you will need to get approval through the legal department of the bank first. It took me about 10 business days and then a meeting at the branch where I was added to the account.

One word to anyone out there planning for the future, add one of your children to your bank account as POA or authorized user now. You can tell them or not, that's up to you. But if this kind of thing ever happens to you, your children will be able to help you immediately and there will be little to no red tape and frustration.
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Reply to CoquinaBeach600
AlvaDeer Oct 12, 2024
You have to tell them. Because signatures must be done and verified in the bank to add them as authorized.
The problem here is not getting Mom declared incompetent, its that the POA is not signed by the Mother so does not make it valid.

Sounds to me these documents were taken off the internet. Because of what happened here, this makes a good argument for using a Lawyer to draw up DPOA and medical. By using a lawyer, its all done in his office. My lawyer used his secretary for a witness and one of his employees was a notary. Mom signed in front of all of them.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to JoAnn29
MACinCT Oct 12, 2024
And to add that some states require 2 witnes sigbitures
I am reading this as a DIY POA. Or, did you go through an attorney to do Durable POA? You need to hire an elder care attorney for your mother if you do not have one already or address this with the original attorney for them to fix asap.

Regarding the taxes and assuming there is no-one joint on her bank accounts you will either pay them yourself or delay the payment and risk fees and a lien on the house until you gain access to her account.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AMZebbC

I'm sorry I don't have much of an answer - I know the others will, but as a Notary this makes me cringe, so hard.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to GoodDaySunshine
AlvaDeer Oct 8, 2024
Are you saying that you are a notary, Goodday?
If so, when you sign these sort of things do you ever tell people that you are attesting to a "signature only" and that doesn't always mean much under the law, that if it is a will or POA or MPOA they should consult an attorney because banks often will know a notary witnessed a signature, but they won't know other things that attorneys examine things for?

Or is that entirely out of the realm of what you can/should do.
I know when I had to have things notarized the notary never even ASKED what the document was. They just did their job, checked my ID, took my fingerprint, entered it into their ledger, and that was that. I guess it would be not be expected for them to ask about anything else, and could in fact be considered a violation of privacy.
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I live in NJ and had immediate POA for Mom. She had put me on her bank acct ages before her Denentia set in. My POA was done by a lawyer witnessed and signed by Mom and notarized. No where was I asked to sign as assigned POA. I have my nephews too, I did not sign that either. Two different lawyers and I was there when the signing and notarization was done.

I don't understand how this happened. The purpose of a notary was to confirm Mom was who she was and WATCH her sign the POA. Actually, the witness/s is to sign in front of the notary, too, I think. I would say this is a big error on the Notaries part.

See if the bank will except a medallion. I had to do this when a POA was not good enough.
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Reply to JoAnn29

Chaotic1: Unfortunately you now require the services of an attorney.
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Reply to Llamalover47
Igloocar Oct 13, 2024
I don't think so on this one. There seem to be some pretty clear steps take, and the attorney can't offer anything different in this situation.
I hesitate to write this in the forum as it can easily be taken the wrong way or be used to take advantage of others. However, here it goes.

A way around this issue, before it happens, is to put critical accounts on auto-pay from her checking account or to make the account joint ownership. One can usually add funds into a checking account, even if you are not the owner.

At this stage of the game, do you have electronic access to her bank account? Is she the sole owner of the account or is it a joint account?

I suggest you pay out-of-your pocket for this month (you could even write up an IOU). As soon as she gets better, get the document corrected, or/and, if she trusts "you", put a joint signer on the account.

....and in case you didn't know, a Durable POA does not give you access to information on her account for Social Security and Medicare. This requires a different form and different authorization with Social Security. It would be good to get that set up also before you have to use it. If she is willing, you could call Social Security (and wait the 45 minutes or so on hold), and have her give you the authorization over the phone. However, if she can sign her name, I'd also file the form with Social Security so that you won't run into the "non-access" at a later time.

...and yes, even though it costs, I would go to a Legal service to ensure you have all the docs needed for the state she lives in and have assets in.
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Reply to ChoppedLiver

I am financial POA for my sister who has dementia and is bipolar. I can write checks and pay bills for her, but I can't control and stop her from spending her own money. What I have found over the last two years is the legality and law does not protect her well at all and she is able to spend money at will which she doesn't remember, then not pay her bills. The banks make a lot of money off of her by letting her overdraw her account and I can't stop it. In addition others can talk her out of money all the time and there isn't anything you can do about it unless I am her guardian, but her doctor says she is ok and can make her own decision. It appears the laws are written to protect her from her family helping her, but not from herself or the banks and those who will take it from her.
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Reply to JTonLF

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