
A patient passed 10/30/2020 and I need to get this hospital bed (free) a home.
this bed is a steel frame that automates with 3 lifts. Bed goes up and down. Head and knees go up and down.

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I don’t think I would post my address on the forum. Is this your house?
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If this was a "rented" bed then it goes back to the supplier.
If this was a bed that was purchased you can do with it what you please.
I will say probably no one will take the mattress. So if your garbage company will pick it up with your weekly garbage put it to the curb.
Call a Volunteer group in your area, Senior Center or Donation site and see if they would want it.
Most people that need hospital beds get them through insurance as part of the DME coverage. A person on Hospice will have a bed supplied by Hospice and that will get picked up right after the patient dies, or no longer needs it.
The bed, if you can not find anyone to take it will be picked up by "scrappers" if you put it out the night you put out the rest of your trash.
Or you can bring it to a local metal recycle station and get cash for it.
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Maybe check with visiting nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists in your area. I just had a visiting nurse at our house and she asked where I got my Moms hospital bed as she was trying to get another client a bed. Not everyone is granted a bed through Medicare. We did not yet qualify but it helps with my Mom’s very limited mobility. We bought ours used. Good luck.
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First, was this provided by Medicare. If so, you need to call the supplier and see if its being rented thru Medicare. If it is, the supplier needs to pick it up.

You need to call around. Call in home care facilities even Nursing Homes, maybe ALs. Ask if they could use the bed. If ur on facebook, join a yardsale group and post it. Post on Craigs List. See if ur Firehouse has a loan closet. We have Ruritans in my state that will take durable equipment. Lions Clubs, Rotary, etc.

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