
I was wondering if anyone gives extra money to their aides. My aides are with my mom 24/7. I have had one for over three years and another for over a year now. I give them money every month. They are from an agency and Medicaid pays for them. I was curious if anyone else does, and if so about how much. I think I might have asked this already.

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Bunky, I am moving your post back to the front page. Hopefully caregivers who have given a bonus to the caregivers will be able to give you some suggestions.
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As Jeanne says, it can be construed as Medicaid fraud as the employees are getting paid by a federal/state agency & accepting cash from you (I will assume tax free).
The employees should know better.
Yes we know aides are woefully underpaid but nonetheless you shouldn’t do this.
If I were you I would stop this immediately as the aides can lose their jobs & you can get in trouble for not paying income tax on the money you are giving them.
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There were strict rules against this in the agency I used.
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