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I have home security cameras in almost every room in the house but it is no substitute for around-the-clock supervision.
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I have indoor cameras as well. What I like most is a TM Baby Monitor in the bedroom that I bought from Brookstone. It has it's own WiFi and I monitor my husband on an iPAD. It's audio and video. You would have to have one in each room that you want to observe.
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I use a Motorola with night or low light vision and a robotic panning camera and built-in rechargeable battery backup. The monitor can be taken with you from room to room.
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The one thing I would suggest is a feature where you can talk to them. I live in a four floor split level. We sleep in the top floor Mom was in the bottom
floor because that is were the other bath was. I could here her thru the monitor but there was no way I could say "be there in a minute". She couldn't hear me if I hollared down the steps.
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I think it depends on how you want to use it. My husband is not mobile on his own and I was concerned about nights, I ordered the Vtech Safe and Sound bady monitor from Amazon. About $50. Only need sound and it does a great job for that. Comes with 2 parent units and one child. If however you need visual this won't work for you. Good luck.
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I ordered the Vtech with one parent unit. The "child" unit is moved from Mom's upstairs bedroom to the downstairs sitting room during the day, then back upstairs while she's in bed. The parent unit is in the kitchen, so the aide or I can hear her when she calls for help and we're doing laundry, fixing meals, etc. The parent unit can be removed from the plug and clipped on your belt or in your pocket so you can move around the house (or work in the yard). This is a low-cost option if you don't need video.
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What I really need is video monitor + capability to speak. Our dad has been expressing suicidal thoughts so we want to be able to see him in his bedroom at night and for him to call for us if he needs us at night. During the daytime one of us is with him 24/7. Have not been able to find what we need online except those that are very expensive such as Next. Any ideas?
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That was myself, who moved in my mother  from 400 miles away. I slept with the proverbial "one eye open." At 2:00 A.M. one morning she told me "the pain is so bad" so off we went to the ER.
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