
She owes 80,000 on the old worn down house. Her money is just about gone. She gets 1400/month SS and a couple of small pensions. She is barely making it. She is 88. ( Medicaid state of Pa).

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Whatever you're told, please remember, Medicaid changes their rules often. In March I tried to get help for my Mom and couldn't. My Mom passed in April. My mother-in-law lives with me and has more income than my parents combined. I found out yesterday medicaid has changed and we can get help for her and in turn myself.
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Also , as well as an elder care attorney, you might try your state Area Agency on Aging (find through Senior Center or look up online) They can do an eval of her financial situation and physical care needs. Can assist in application for Medicaid, if she appears to qualify. Cheaper than an attorney, but they can also provide you a referral to trusted attorney.
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I am interested in the same thing, we are in nj. If mom cant afford help, she lives witn me, could we get her on medicaid if the time comes? Could someone come after my household? I am not responsible for her debt.
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You need to see a elder care attorney. They know how to dance through the hoops to get your mother help.
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donr827, That is the BEST advice!!!
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Well, I will tell you with Medicaid, you are allowed to own only $2, 000 of assets. Also, be prepared for a 5 yr look back. (Pull out all her bank statements from 5 yrs ago till present day).
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Every state is different but in most states the assests that are not counted is your home , 1 car, IRA accounts, and others .
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I found this article here on Aging Care. please note this article is 5 years old, so some things could have changed. Advise you check with the Commonwealth of Penn Medicaid office.
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She should already have Medicare. Should have gotten a suppliment at the time. With my husband, his is a policy from his former employer. The cost comes out of his pension. If she has no supplimental call ur local Medicaid office to see if she qualifies or as suggested your Office of the aging. If you are talking nursing homes that is different. Office of aging could help you there. Check under County offices.
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