
I am unable to help my grandmother right now due to having covid myself and my grandmother needs help in getting her bills paid. She does not know how to write too well and has ran out of personal people to help her. Are there professional care resources that can do this?

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Yes. Look up "Fiduciary" in your area, or call an Elder Law Office and ask for recommendations. These people will for fee take on all the financial things needed. You want to be careful not to get into financial managers, who make money off investment stuff; they often will call themselves "Fiduciaries" to get business their way. My brother's ex, now that my brother has passed, has a fiduciary who handles everything for him; this often comes to about 90.00 per hour, but once things are set up it takes little time to arrange bills and money management. If your grandmother is in care in a facility they may also know Fiduciaries they work with and trust. Social Workers are familiar with fiduciaries in their area, as are many bankers. Hope you find some help with this. I did this for my brother. I can say it was not difficult even though I didn't live in the same town after the year of arranging things so they were automatic withdrawal or came to my home after he assigned me as his POA. But the first year arranging everything was VERY daunting for me, and had a real learning curve, so unless someone in family has time to do this, I would recommend another way. Wishing you luck, and when you FIND that other way hope you will respond here again to tell us what worked for you and your grandmother.
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AlvaDeer is right with getting a fiduciary but have you considered paying her bills on line for her? You would be able to monitor her account from anywhere. And there would not be the fees associated with hiring a fiduciary.
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